Are you sure? Clock’s ticking.
Are you sure? Clock’s ticking.
... they’re washing their hands of this mess. It’s Rob’s problem, and he’s going to have to deal with it himself.
Horrific assault on a woman...racial slurs...and homophobic language...all on a Oklahoma campus!
The end game isn’t a mystery.
but having experienced both, as well as considering the strength of the punch & the distance of her fall to the table, in this instance definitely punch.
You’ve no doubt heard certain universities refer to themselves as...say...the Harvard of the South.....or the Harvard of the Midwest..
Gotcha. Sound logic.
Just odd to hear the expression framed in that way. Generally it only applies (or makes sense) when used for an area encompassing more than two universities.
Who the fuck is Charlie the Midget? lol
Also, what the hell is the Harvard of Louisville?
Seriously...I want to know. Pole Dancing as a varsity sport sounds amazing.
Because a poor investigation automatically equates to guilt. Do you not know what mutually exclusive means?
Are you really this stupid? (lol) or just trolling me???!
I’m honestly not sure at this point.
The punch. Definitely the punch.
Also the most damming (answer).
For some reason all I could think of was Goalie acrobatics.
My bio teacher wouldn’t be shocked by that revelation...
How so?
How does the negligence of the investigator(s) make those being investigated more repugnant?
Their mutually exclusive.
In analogous statement would be Suspect-A is a fucking shithead, because the cops investigating him sucked. (Lol) It’s a nonsensical statement.
She throws like a girl.
I actually never thought about this.
...what’s the “post-office” again? It’s for a document I’m sending out tomorrow. Too lazy to look up.
Right, OK.
No one’s implying that.
15. Napoleon Kaufman, who was a god at Washington and then suffered a horrifying knee injury. By law, any NFL player named Napoleon must suffer the kind of injury that makes your ass clench when you remember it.
This is a slide, not a pole.