I expect this even-keel statement to receive a TON of replies consisting of numerous exaggerated claims.
True. But that still doesn’t exclude the information that’s poured from sites like this one or the NYT’s, which were horrifically incorrect. Polls are one thing, but the media (for the most part) mis-portrayed the tightness of this race exponentially.
I think that’s the one singular thing I’m taking away from this. There’s definitely more than one “echo chamber”. I’ve been continually reminded of the Fox News GOP echo chamber (which is obviously a scary reality). But without a doubt there’s a media/academia liberal echo chamber too. At least in the sense how it…
This whole effin sh%tshow was premature...
They preemptively called that hours ago.
No one was prepared. Our media failed us miserably here. Detroit Free Press called Michigan in HRC’s favor hours ago. Now their website is “unavailable” and offline lol.
I’m only 32 years old, but from my experience not a single POTUS from my adult life has delivered even half of what they’ve promised.
I’m ecstatic Trumpf won’t be POTUS.
...I actually thought it could get WAY worse.
Oh so I can get 1 to 3 odds? Fuck that.
Great point.
These photos scream one particular thing:
Supposedly he’s not really 100% into the idea he’s his father. At least not to the degree he considers Ms. Jolie his mother. So not sure if this applies.
Sending dick pics to underage girls seems to be little higher on the shitbag scale than anything Brad has been accused of, let alone proven to have actually done...jus saying.
It’s called “Art” ok.
Hot dogs are fun & all, but if you’re eating more dogs than italian beefs & polish sausages you’re doing it wrong.
I blacked out.