Carlos the Dwarf

Devil’s Advocate (seriously, not personal opinion),

Very true. Her “purity” shouldn’t be relevant, and likely a smokescreen.

Still getting timely hits though. And LA isn’t exactly raking out there.

The Dodgers don’t seem like a threat honestly. I really do think that one was their lone shot to take control of the series was game one.

That woman was deplorable.

Yeah, fuck those dudes.

Cubs almost blew game retrospect that would’ve been enormous. Kershaw isn’t losing a game.

Sorry, I’m white...and I most certainly have an opinion on this hair: it’s pretty effin’ cool. 

This thread is f/cking awesome. Lol.  

Good God that video still is horrifying. Between this and the Buffalo Butt-Luge I’m definitely traumatized.

Nah. No one has time for this type of logical reasoning. Rather suspend everybody, all the time, regardless of guilt. Then we’ll be satisfied.

Mr. T

If your goal is adding muscle, waiting 60< minutes post-workout actually spikes your body’s production of human growth hormone.

This case is straight bonkers.

Totally agree. But lawyers are known asshole entities.


“Moschel inadvertently made a good argument against concealed carry, saying that he usually carries a gun, and that the vandal would probably be dead if he’d been packing.”

Yeah, she’s trying to win independent voters. Not Trump supporters.

“I fear that even we liberals are missing an important point here.”

You’re not alone.