I disagree. I feel she was just pointing out one can in fact resist an unlawful arrest. An ancillary topic that developed organically through discussion.
I disagree. I feel she was just pointing out one can in fact resist an unlawful arrest. An ancillary topic that developed organically through discussion.
Lol not sure if it’s the “fucking definition”. Maybe obstruction.
Seems like a gamble....whomever decides to resist under the notion their arrest is unlawful better be dam certain it is.
“Oh...he needs some milk!"
Wtf?! Lol, how the hell did his “sex life” even get into the conversation???
These results are liberating...I no longer feel weird about how I wipe.
Well that’s thr point that everyone’s missing. Broner learned from Floyd being the loud black flamboyant heel draws attention. Hereto he decided this would be the best path to “billions”.
...and shitty Australian rappers are still relevant.
Hey!! All that matters is everyone is sensitive to OUR stigmas...nothing else matters. Fuck Yo shoes Messi!! (and apparently everyone else’s...God, imagine being a shoe-salesman in Egypt? Yeesh.)
To be fair those guys were actually GOOD at being fuck-ups.
Never once did Kirk have this town’s whole respect. No matter how many sick-layups he rattled in.
Hey, I’m American! Of course I’m a dumb fuck___when it comes to soccer, that’s the point fucking CubanPubes.
Your hair will never be cooler than lil’ Xavi's.
Lmao...American soccer epitomized: Horrendous play & uneducated commentary. All tied up in a nice bow! Maybe next century they’ll get it together 😊
I REALLY like Bernie. I would vote for Bernie.
GET IT OVER WITH ALREADY!! Ship Sale to the North Side for a king’s ransom. As a Sox fan I would love get to see the South Side raid that farm system, AND EVEN help the Cubs get over hump///so they can FINALLY win one & shut-up like Boston fans circa 2000's.
Lol, you’re acting like the signs were the causality. It’s goes both ways. The signs are in direct response to the t-shirts. I.e. ‘No T-Shirts = No Signs’.
Lets say both were acting improperly, essentially making statements without all the facts or a finalized due process. This is true (team & anonymous sign makers). B…
“Oh shit, oh shit oh shit oh shit" (several staffers' running into tunnel after Barnes) lol
That’s some questionable-ass logic right there.