Carlos the Dwarf

OK. Well that’s one way to over simplify a highly complex discussion. In no way is America free of racism, Trump’s rise is an obvious sign of that. Of course I never hinted as such anyhow.

In all seriousness racism is trending up in Europe. As problematic as racism is here, the trend has been a steady decline (though be at a glacier pace). I’d be willing to bet your times abroad, to which you currently use as a parameter, were from a previous decade(s).

Lack of “trigger warning” I’m sure...

This was funnier than all Kevin Hart movies combined...fucking awesome

Anytime there’s a mention of one of these fringe candidates, inevitably it draws out the insufferable”DERR, STILL BETTER THAN ALL THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES!!”....

Chris Rock realizes the desired effect is to have people listen to the (pay gap) stories right? He has to be aware of that..

Jets went 10-6... and transitioned from ‘Geno Smith & Rex’ to ‘Fitz & Bowels’. That combos not winning any hardware—— but they’re definitely trending up. can just refer to my 2nd reply above, but to reiterate with an analogy: it’s OK to be mad at the pile of horse shit. But try not to forget there’s no horse shit w/o the horse’s ass. I.e. Brandon was disruptive last season due to it spiraling into a shit show (prior)- only then did he act out & decide fuck

Agreed. But what you’re not highlighting is whatever predisposition Brandon has a towards turning toxic tends to derive from being subjugated to bullshit (at least since being diagnosed & facing his shortcomings head-on).

He wasn’t wrong though— that season’s team was a f*cking dysfunctional disaster across the board.

I’m pro gun-control. But attempting to use the “gun-protection” fallacy as a point of emphasis in regards to the Chicago situation is ridiculous.

Guns aren’t going anywhere. Nor are shitty people who mindlessly take life.

He might not being driving like his rookie year cuz dudes play four feet back off him; due to zero threat of shooting ?!

Hey, I mean you’re the f/cking idiot who thinks Cleveland may not win the East this year...nor at least one out of the two following seasons.

Has this women taken an original trail-blazing stance on anything, ever?

Yeah. Sorry, people are depraved. Obviously you’ve never heard of “prop bets”. Let me start off with you very much can locate odds on free agency destinations:

I think we can all agree Beyonce had a surrogate...

He could leave. (Actual) Odds are he doesn’t though. KD could come to the East, (actual) odds are he doesn’t though. Again... Looking at the landscape as it is now I’d bet between 2016 to 2018 the Cavs have at least two Finals appearances.

Yeah...that’s definitely understandable for common folk. The inherent feeling is either Andie has far greater sway & reach than Jerry from HR who received piss poor customer service while attempting to check into his Hilton suite outside Phoenix... Or, Andie isn’t actually famous anymore (which apparently...)