Doctor Benway

durst vs whoever it is that sings from papa roach


HA! I didn't know that. Boy it must piss Morrissey off too.

I want a tenacious d goosebumps crossover. like now.

cut the caaake in haalf!

the free form jazz/head on chin/sideburns clip is probably my favorite thing from the series


I once considered writing a college essay about how Good Burger was the first gay indie romantic comedy and that Kel fulfilled the role of the manic pixie dream girl in it. I dropped out of college instead.

when Bob Dylan, Stephen King or Laurie Anderson die I'm just gonna be inconsolable

early against me was so freakin good

yeah, he would have been too young to write for your show of shows

aaahh I wish I could see this NOW, it opened a film festival in Germany a month before it's gonna open here and I'm climbing the walls waiting for it

somehow I knew Lenny Bruce would be brought up in discussions related to "god dammit japan!"

that dog could sell anything!

wilbur dies at the the red webbing!

which Law and Order was it that had Jeff Goldblum in it? I liked that one

Conan wrote Marge Vs The Monorail. He is anything but a whining loser.

I would definitely read "Axl Shrugged"

anyone who has not read it should seek out the tweets that Sinead sent out upon getting married a few years back. they are pricelessly funny.