Nate Lechner

Depends on the definition of "best captain." If best means best if Star Trek was real life and I personally was serving under said captain, I'll go with Picard. If best means best captain to watch in a TV show, it's Kirk by a mile.

I too am with Scotty T on this one. Deakins is one of the all time greats. His work in SKYFALL (maybe along with Wolski's work in PROMETHEUS too) made me far less fearful of this film-free filmmaking world we now live in.

You mean someone took a James Cameron script (read: outline) and made something better with it? To quote Avatar, "SHOCK AND AWE." 

Don't worry, I caught the Simpson's reference in the headline.

My favorite song of the last fifteen years is this one obscure song that you probably haven't heard of.

This man is a hero.