
That was truly incredible to Widnes

I think that’s a real thing! Like, reports have it that both guys were involved in the altercation, but I think sports fights between teammates almost always are settled with shoves and/or grappling. I think you just don’t expect your teammate to sock you in the face! I don’t know if that makes it a sucker punch, but

Like him or not, what you’ll have a hard time arguing is that it usually isn’t good business to alienate a large portion of your fan base. Believe or or not the man has PLENTY of supports out there (he did win the election) and if Steph’s shoe sales suddenly drop by 50% because he decided to stand on his soapbox I

You do have a very strong self selection bias going on here. It would be like if you were looking for the prevalence of Alzheimers in a given population and only examined people you already thought had it. Basically they need more brains from people who don’t show any signs to see what the true rate is. It might be

That’s not statistics.

Yeah this isn’t passing the smell test. I absolutely agree that hard contact sports can cause brain injury especially over many years but right now every brain sent to this lab is being diagnosed with cte. A 99+% correlation is way to high. This lab has a strong incentive to find cte as well. If so much brain atrophy

The 49ers are incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful punter.

Cleveland is insane if they think they would get any of those players added to the deal.

It really, really, REALLY seems like the Cavs are acting in bad faith here. If Isaiah Thomas’s injury is anywhere near as bad as they are acting like it is, I don’t see any way that Danny Ainge trades back to the third pick in a two point guard draft. The Cavs just realize that they’ve got the Celtics over a barrel

That pick represents a massive opportunity to acquire another star though, as does the tax saving system realized from this trade. I don’t see why Ainge will flinch- the Cavs will be a toxic locker room if Kyrie is back there and it’s pretty obvious they couldn’t get a better return than what was already offered

The serial woman beater who nicknamed himself ‘money’ isn’t a good heel? I am willing to trade you some of my moral fiber for your weed dealer’s phone number. He’s clearly got the good shit.

Yup. The only crime here was filming in portrait.

My initial reaction would be to tell him he ought to be ashamed of this record, to take some pride in himself and work to get better. But coming from me, I doubt he’d listen. After all, who am I to Judge?

To me the questions are

Let them keep the statue. It’s a part of the history of this country. That history is full of highs and lows. If we don’t acknowledge the lows, how will we appreciate the highs? Furthermore, how will we learn from those lows, those mistakes? Sure we “won” but that doesn’t give us the right to rewrite history as if

Right up there is black protesters looting minority owned businesses to protest police brutality from police force that’s mostly black. Ignorance has no race.

I think it’s pathetic how people create these silly drinking games. Be it beer pong, flip cup, cards, you name it. Just juvenile. Drinking is supposed to be done alone, from the bottle, in your darkened living room.

Thanks for this.

Between Pablo Sandoval, Allen Craig and Rusney Castillo, the Red Sox are paying 3 guys about $3 million more to not play for them than the Padres are paying to their entire major league roster.