
I’m actually wondering the same thing.

Just gold.

I must have missed that one. Thanks for the info (and not being an ass about it.)

Are they not worried about all the little bits of water flying off of that thing? Seems like that could pose an issue...

One of these bad boys, gold and everything. I still remember it was $50 without any games.

Learn something new every day I guess. And based on that, I have no idea why they didn’t choose a brush only stand.

Have you ever seen a stand for just the brush? You could do a custom job, something hand forged to match the tongs, and redo the brush handle while you’re at it, but off the shelf, all stands that I’ve ever seen are built for both items.

Things similar to this have been around for quite some time. I’ve got at least 4 of them in every pair of pants/shorts. People just need to learn to put the phone away.

Everyone is asking about why this phrase calls the cops, I’m more curious about that fact that it seems completely normal to be forced to tell your phone to charge itself. Assuming they put some secret phrase to call the cops, wouldn’t it be something you actually have to say?

WHY THE NIPPLE SUITS!? Didn’t they learn from Clooney’s batman!?

So I’m in a street band (D20 Brass Band) that plays around Seattle, sometimes at an established venue with ticket sales and everything, sometimes busking on a random street corner, usually at any con we come across **cough**ECCC**cough**

Maybe as a size comparison? Just hoping.

I have to agree.

Based solely on my first two (very) used cars, which got a combined total of 5.5 years of driving, I could buy closer to 12 cars for the price of this.

According to the site:

This stuff has been around for years. Maybe it’s just now getting big, but I’ve seen this in random boxes for a while now.

I was kind of surprised actually when my corporate Amex came in and has Nate instead of Nathaniel on it. This is also true for almost all my corporate IDs with the exception of tax forms and paychecks.

Sound works fine for me

LMGTFY: “Steve Buscemi how do you do”

This. Is. Genius.