
He was just holding it to his arm because the straps weren’t done. If you watch the watermelon destruction at the end he activates it one handed.

It’s The Doctor. Not Dr. Who. The former is a character, the latter is the show.

I feel like egg nog is more appropriately a “way to serve eggs” than a whiskey sour.

Came for this. Am not disappointed.

I’m not sure things like pancakes count as a way to serve eggs. Even custard is pushing it in my opinion.

Blu-ray is a Sony product.

I think their unsprung mass logic is about damage to the motor/batteries, not how much you feel on your cash and prizes.

I once had a customer who was setting up a newly purchased computer and didn’t know “where the hell all these wires go.” After some discussion I found that he was talking about the power, monitor, mouse, keyboard, and some other peripherals. I explained to him that “basically everything only fits in one hole, and it

I had a similar situation, but I didn’t think to ask if it was plugged into the wall before I went onsite (across campus of course) at 3 AM to find out that it wasn’t plugged in to the wall.

As long as the guards think/you tell them it's a tool I seem to be able to carry a knife just about anywhere. I'm a computer tech who works on multiple military bases, federal buildings, even schools, all across across multiple states. I have to cut things open, pry stuff (I know, I know never use a knife as a pry bar

I'm glad somebody else pointed this out. My band played for a Star Wars costume event in Seattle and I dressed up as Han, complete with red stripe on blue pants. Some of my band mates debated that the stripe was yellow. We decided to settle it with the costume on display, seeing as they were the actual movie costumes.

Glad somebody else saw that.

Did anyone catch that AWESOME brass band that was playing on Sat and Sun afternoon/evening? That was my band. D20 Brass Band. I'm surprised you didn't have any pics from us up here. I was in the Batman costume on Saturday and Mario on Sunday.

Ditto. I was hoping that the name of the guy in the pic was Major Tom or something.

Now playing

Don't know if someone beat me to it, but I have to leave this here.

Great, now I'm hungry.

I've just worked under the assumption that not only is 007 a code name, so is James Bond. When the first Bond ages out of the service or dies, a new agent takes his place. This new agent takes over the identity, missions, contacts and life of 007 and continues on.