Lightning Arts

For someone throwing around the term “emotional” you sure are emotional yourself. Using sentences like “grow up” and the like. Thats because, despite how you want to present yourself, this is an emotional discussion because it’s a human discussion. You’re just emotionally on the other side of it. That does not however,

You say you’re an artist, and then you say these things work like artists work. So either you’re not an artist (which, I won’t call you a liar) or YOU in fact do not understand how they work.

How an artist works:
-view other art, other parts of life, their surroundings, their experiences, create a “database” of memories

“Artists are gatekeeping-...”

I stopped reading form that point.

You would have done better to have picked up a pencil and doodled a stick figure. Doing that crude drawing would have literally been a better benefit to you as a person and society as a whole than typing out the rest of your ignorant rant.

Art has never