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I enjoy the jokes but I’m guessing the name comes from a Japanese Rock Song that was featured in the 2005 Japanese film “Linda, Linda, Linda” Great song, and a movie about a teenage girls rock band that seems to be a major inspiration. Here’s the song in the movie:

Don’t you think it’s in poor taste to misgender them so many times in the comments of a post stating they’re changing their pronouns?

Rand Paul still holds the #1 spot for me, especially after that exchange with Dr. Fauci

Which will lead right into a piece about trans women destroying women’s sports with absolutely zero irony

Came here for this, was not disappointed

Except it’s not a straight up and down vote in the House, each states delegation gets one vote and the Republicans control have the majority of state delegations, even though they have fewer actual representatives, so His Royal Cheetoness still wins in that scenario