Nate Blank

This show has gone to sheit.. mostly. The writers are bloody awful at writing romance in this series and sadly like every superhero show on The CW it's all about the relationSHIP these days and Supergirl team just sux at it. Also Mon'el feels forced just like James felt forced in s1 and sadly Maggie had more chemistry

James needs to go. He is single handedly killing this show. I refuse to watch last nights episode. That is how much James sucks.

Do people not get the point of a fictional series? You're suppose to get lost in it, not try to relate to it with today's world issues. Generally speaking. Anyhow, just relax and enjoy the 48 minute ride. The Kara/Lena scenes were great too, full of chemistry these two. Not that anyone seems to care.

YES! Me I cant stop yelling at Jason on twitter for tonight's s***ty episode. Loved the Polis stuff, but everything else. It actually angers me.

Clarke and Raven both just got out of a relationship. Raven decided to go for it while Clarke decided to hold back. Raven made the wrong choice and so did Clarke.

Who the hell is Abigail?… oh you mean Abby! Yay her sanctimonious ass needs to be knocked down a few pegs.

Hated it. Clarke should had just handed Finn over gladly after what he did. Her stabbing him was the best part. Hate Finn. He killed 18+ people women and children. Fuck em.

How vucking dinse are you? Mulan went looking for Aurora not Phillip. She wanted to tell Aurora that she is in love with her not Phillip.