
The Ball-Wheel Audi is from iRobot, not Minority Report. Just saying.

No it’s just cold outside.

Finally someone shines a light on white on white crime.

Could go with Chiles Wolf Spin?

That’s a low blow.

Have these girls been doxxed to get them kicked out of school/fired from their jobs?

It stopped the Nazi’s once.

Saw this on another website the other day. Feel it applies.

Is the melee jump useful as a fighting technique as well? If they removed it, but either increased movement speed or added a button to allow running, would you care if it was taken out?

Great. Now tell all the fans you gained by appealing to their hatred and bigotry to stop being Nazi’s too.

“May the road rise to meet you, may the wind always be at your back.

Those aren’t crystal or corral. Everything is on the cob! You gotta get the hell out of there.

A single nuclear weapon dropped on Yellow Stone National Park could activate the super volcano below it and create an explosion that would shame any weapon ever devised by man. It isn’t the size of the bomb, but where you put it that causes the problems.

Good luck finding one with decent miles ever...

You prefer Xbox or PS4?

They found who did it and shit-canned everyone involved. This is why people like firefighters and hate cops. Cops would have protected Perez’s identity, given him a vacation, and found nothing wrong had occurred.

Or buy a 1 year old model with 5k miles for $55k...

Based on current events, can you change the “If” in the title to “when”?

I’m probably a racist now for not being more outraged by this, but I’m actually pretty amazed how well it works for the different faces. Technology sure is neat, even if it can be dumb and racist I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

You said something inappropriate at work? Make sure to apologize, but try to work in the word “faggot” and make a reference to the holocaust if you can.