
This is the dumbest fucking argument I’ve ever heard. So pro athletes are bad guys when they go for the biggest bucks. But they’re bad guys when they go for less bucks to go to a team that is most likely to get them a ring. I guess the only right move KD could have made would be to take less bucks to go to the Knicks.

What kind of feces? Human? Or from the possible pet monkey? Or a dog? Or cat?

Is it ok to genuinely like anything anymore? Dude is a handful-of-times-in-a-generation talent who had one of the best offensive seasons in NBA history last year and gave probably the most heartfelt MVP speech in American sports history. Who the fuck is worthy of our admiration in contrast? Please do tell.

I don't give a fuck if this is comically exaggerated or completely made up. This was one of the funniest things I've ever read. Seriously.