Natasha Starnes

Yes. I keep two eye masks, a lightweight one, and a weighted one. And I have the gel ones in the freezer. I get migraines with aura. And the weighted eye mask is one of the best tools I have. I also have eight soft ice packs in the freezer that I’ve been known to layer under it when the skinny gel eye masks aren’t

Yes. I keep two eye masks, a lightweight one, and a weighted one. And I have the gel ones in the freezer. I get

I’ve read through a lot of these, and I’m sorely disappointed no one has mentioned my favorite place to go in Dallas. Fair Park. No. Listen to me. When you’re footsore and exhausted and need a place to rest and relax and have a leisurely picnic after all the hectic of vacation, grab a lunch to-go and head to Fair

Oh yeah, and then when I gather my two dozen chaptsticks together, my Honey gives me The Look, and I have to explain *why* I have two dozen partially used chaptsticks. Fun times. I’ve taken to just telling him to blow me, and pointing at the number of carabiners hanging on his backpack.

Oh yes, I have lawyer friends who are already chomping at the bit and foaming at the mouth and watching this like hawks. Maybe the vultures can do some good this time.

Oh yes on them handing us the instruction manual. My crazy-cakes mother has been going on and on ad nauseam for *eight* months about “libtards” “liberal brainwashing” how “liberalism is considered a mental disorder” (HUH?) and her latest fun, how no one should go to college because its too liberal. Oh and

I’m already on medication for anxiety and depression, and to be honest, this entire bullshit election has exceeded the limits of my meds. I’ve *actually* had to have my shrink increase the dosage and add in a little something special for the nightmares. And the acid reflux is back. Who wants to bet on ulcers next?

No, its all a Liberal Conspiracy, according to my Trump-voting mother who I firmly believe is in dire need of a straitjacket and heavy medication. Facts? What Facts? Did Faux News report it? Then its a Liberal Conspiracy. All of it. The AP, CNN, ABC, NBC, Times, BBC, all Liberal Conspiracy. Quoting what the

Massive headache, likely due to the crying, and lack of eating. Nausea and I are best buds by this point. And I keep wondering if any of the sane people in Germany in 1932/33 felt this sense of impending doom and terror. I think most of the shock has worn off by now (1 am) But the portion of the day not spent

My household uses carabiners like they are going out of style. We all use them for handy keychains. My Honey uses them to hook parts of his work display together, hooking things to the back of his display for his use, and he has two massive ones in the car for bringing in groceries . I keep two on my gaming

The hair, the crazy-cakes eyes, the expression that screams “I’m holding it together with prozac, an entire can of aqua-net, Malboros and a latte” I’ve lived in Texas all by 18 months of my life. Every woman I’ve ever known with that *look* has been complete crazy-cakes, and *brittle* like they’re going to crack at