
Isn’t that kind of a Not All Men argument?

A religious institution behaving according to bronze-age morals? I am shocked!

It’s situational though right? Flip that over and it’s “You’re done already, oh hell no!”

Hey, look, God made it a twenty minute intermission between the first and second period for a reason.

I hate that she gets a pass for domestic abuse, likely because she’s a woman.

Honestly, this show is what Glee was in season one, but horror. Think about it: Glee used to be the show that said 15 offensive things a second and then dared you not to laugh. But then Kurt came out and Glee turned into the preachy PC Very Special Episode, only it lasted 5 whole seasons.

As a liberal, I’ve never been a Hillary fan. At all. I think it is very possible that she is a horrible human being. That doesn’t make her worse than the Republican/Tea Party peddling a smaller government that is in charge of your morality/faith/uterus.

Clintons’ being shady is nothing new. If any liberal was surprised by this, that’s their own fault for putting on the blinders.

Besides, American politics is an inherently shady enterprise, rendered all the more shady by recent Supreme Court decisions that have rendered McCain-Feingold and numerous other laws and

Any other liberals out there thinking this email scandal is getting to be too much? I’m quite liberal and I thought this was a bunch of BS at first, but as it has gone on, Clinton’s response has been so shady, I don’t trust her to be president anymore. Whether the scandal is real or not doesn’t really matter to me

You know who else called people ding-dongs?

Two sides to this argument. One could congratulate France on actively going after bigotry. The other could condemn France for it’s lack of free speech.

This movie needs the gay community and liberals to make it’s money back and to win some Oscars and this is his response? Another idiot, like Ridley Scott last year with Gods & Kings, who sabotaged his own movie. Emmerich should just keep his mouth shut and stick to blowing up the planet. And BTW, anyone who knows this

I hate when advertisers go for the “white people rapping” angle like they are no other ways to make a person look like out of touch/nerdy/embarrassing.

Ugh PARENTS these days.

Or maybe promote talking to your child with a modicum of respect like you would with an adult which you’re trying to tell them they’re going to become?

As a counterpoint:

Ah, the mental illness defence.

She could have, and nearly did, cause her own child to die. Over a spider. But, yeah, go easy on her.

I hope this gets a million more stars. Phobia as are a serious and real mental disorder and I'm disappointed this was not pointed out in this article. I realize how insane it sounds to jump out of a moving car with your child inside, but this is a woman with a phobia not a woman whom was capable for even a second of

Sure, but does your phobia cause you to place your child and the public in immediate danger?