
Don’t you love it?? It’s the perfect can’t win. If you don’t have kids, it’s because you’re selfish. If you do have kids, it’s because you’re selfish. (You chose to have kids, why should I have to pay for you to have leave, deal with your crotch fruit in public, and on and on and on.)

When the assaulter asks for forgiveness simply because he got caught. That’s the key here. It’s not like he came forward and said, “I have become enlightened all on my own without someone else having to call me out publicly and now I have to do damage control to try to keep the money rolling in.” The “sorry I got

Definitely. When I was 16 there was a guy who was a ‘regular’. I mostly worked back of house so I didn’t interact with customers much but I had started doing some bussing and hosting. So I hadn’t seen this guy much. One day, I offered to bring him a newspaper while he waited since he was dining solo. He declined and I

Definitely. I was surprised it took this long for it to start in on the restaurant industry. Talk about the perfect place to take advantage of teenage girls who are still getting shit figured out. I look back at so many things now and how incredibly inappropriate they were and regret that I didn’t know well enough

FAA allows it. Then it’s up to the airlines if they choose to allow it.

Lolol. There are plenty of babies I would prefer to fly with over some of the entitled jackass “businessfolk” I have flown with... while traveling on business. For example, the douche canoe who took his shoes off and then proceeded to rest his stocking foot on my laptop bag that was under the seat in front of me. To

Spirit is a terrible airline. I try to be reasonable about flights that I book for work and get the ones that best balance price, schedule, and my airline preference usually comes last. But Spirit? IDGAF if it’s SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than all of the rest. Hell no.

I think a couple minutes of it is fun. I generally like kids and I like helping out for a minute by making goofy faces and stuff. But, the problem for me is when it becomes my job and the parents keep egging it on. Then it’s like I’m the rude one if I decide I’m done with the game and just want to go back to watching

The problem here is that she is saying that the door was OPEN at the time she was nursing and she had the child buckled in by the time it closed. The airline, on the other hand, is saying that they had problems during taxiing. So really, all we need is another passenger on the plane—anywhere on the plane—who can say

Not defending anyone in this specific situation but the FAA regulation (not an airline by airline rule) is that under two they can sit on your lap. On the day of their second birthday and beyond, they need to have their tushies in a seat and wear a seatbelt for takeoff and landing. Sure, it’s a seemingly arbitrary

Dude, catch up with the times. You can totally have headphones and movies from boarding through deplaning. Kinda shows how knowledgeable you are about modern air travel.

Shit, man. I’m having a baby JUST so I can take it on airplanes ALL THE TIME. Let me know when and where for you’re next flight. We’ll be there, the kid’ll be hungry and swimming in shitty diapers and if that doesn’t have him riled up enough, I’ll figure out something else. I’ll make sure to bring a megaphone for him,

Damn straight. The most straight up fucked up roommate I ever had had a Masters in...psychology.

I don’t think that was the point the OP was making. Obviously the bell has already been rung. But, they could certainly appeal to say that it should not have been rung in hopes to set precedent for the future so they can force the next Jane Doe to carry to term.

Being pregnant after loss is a strange thing. I am absolutely excited but it’s kind of stolen that kind of pure excitement that I had the first time. I’m kind of constantly like that suspicious little kid in the “You mean to tell me...” meme. There’s definitely a lot of “Yeah, right. I’ll believe it when...” and then

I could have written nearly the same thing. Missed miscarriages are a bitch. To go into that first appointment all happy and excited to see your baby and then... and it is strange to reconcile being pro-choice with the utter destruction you’re feeling.

I hope that you can reframe your thinking. YOU didn’t fail the IVF cycle. You HAD a failed cycle. You did nothing wrong. Your body just didn’t respond sufficiently. Hopefully your doctor will come up with a new plan that is just the thing that works for your body. I know it may not currently be your thing, it

Yes. And it’s sometimes so appallingly trivial. Like the IUI cycle I was keeping it together until the grocery store didn’t have pineapple cores and I started crying about it in the middle of the store.

Hear, hear. In the past we’ve gone on vacation to a place that’s about a five-hour drive away with my husband, his friend, and his wife a couple times. We often do it around their birthdays. The weather isn’t bad then and it’s still well off season. This year I’ll be about 38 weeks pregnant at that time. They were

That guy is a shitty little excuse for a human being. I would absolutely trade 800,000 Dreamers for that little scum sucker.