Natalie Sharp

Is she…
…going to be fined for being idealistically preachy? I mean seriously, what is she, HBO from the late 90's?

Where there is time machine, there is Crispin Glover.

Jobe's, just shut the fuck up. You can't write an opinion off with a blanket statement. So here's me writing you off with one- just shut the fuck up.

Considering the nature of the ending…
During the dream sequences I was finding myself more and more bored with what I felt was masturbatory imagery and just Scorsese having fun with surrealism. I also felt that Ruffalo's character's eager dedication to DiCaprio's character was somewhat unfleshed and surprisingly

I kind of got a Shining vibe toward the beginning.

They should get James Cameron to do it.

The rapping
Honestly, I thought the rap was pretty goddamn awful. I prefer his singing and chanting over his "rap." When he was rapping it was like he had some no name guest on the track with him. I actually had to check and see if it was him. The first track seemed like an exercise in how many times he could

Kool Keith
I don't even know if he's even worth mentioning in this capacity any longer. However, I do believe that Keith Thornton has proven time and time again that he has a complete inability to grow as an artist or to have any kind of humility.

I am so glad someone else feels this way about Tim Burton. I haven't been excited for a film of his in years. I used to be a big champion of his work and I have absolutely NO DESIRE to see Alice in Wonderland. If I was going to play The Five Obstructions with Tim Burton my number one obstruction would be that he

I actually started to think they should keep Meg that way. It was the first time I ever gave a shit about her character.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one getting a Paula Dean vibe.

Oh god… Win.

I feel the same that it is hackneyed, but I also enjoyed the fact that it was also not turned into a Puck gets arrested ordeal. Kinda like when Vince Vaughn buys beer in Thumbsucker and the kids drink the beer. Its a nod to an easy plot device that they did not take. Like all of Funny Games.

OMG, wtf
I've seen this movie EVERYWHERE in the last week. I watched it the other day and then someone posted it on a forum I am on and now this. I love love love this movie and I love you guys for making my day with this article.

Last Temptation…
Anyone else find that a little funny?



He came to my brother's college town. He ended up crashing a party and shared some kind nugs and managed to get completely naked. Evidently he was also interested in scoring some blow. Where does Lorne Michaels find these people?

I too thought it weird to cover a drink that has been around for years. That shit predates a lot of energy drinks.

I going to go ahead and…
…file this under shit I'd never expected to go together in a sentence and yet am still as uninterested in the outcome as before.