
Ok - apropos of nothing in the article... but does anyone else think that Kourtney looks pregnant in the 2nd pic?

Apropos of nothing... but the lead photo of her legit solidifies the fact (only to me of course) that she absolutely had a face lift....

*THIS*... I feel like I am JUST NOW figuring out that the “chronic sinus” symptoms I have been experiencing for years now are actually migraines. I wish there was more information in the medical community about this. I’ve even gone to quickcare to get treatment for “sinus” and not one doctor ever brought up the

Hey Hey Hey!! Don’t give us Nevada people a bad reputation... we went full on BLUE, so... I don’t know, change your idea of Nevada, or something...

Girlfriend needs a little help with her contour blending... It looks like she has a zinc oxide strip down her nose.

What the fuckity fuck?!?!?... they didn’t have an ARMOIRE???

Now you’re just being mean to the Bellagio... It’s more like the decor of the legal brothels a little bit north of here...

  • Whew, Tori Spelling owes a lot of people a lot of money! [Page Six] .... “So, let’s have our FIFTH child...” smh...

Wait! You’re allowed to smile in passport photos now? When I had my picture taken I wasn’t allowed to smile, AND I had to pull the hair away from my face (I’m one of those ‘need hair on the face kind of people’). My passport looks like I literally just got off a 10 hour flight... which I guess is the point (?)...

...”claiming she made the decision to divorce Pitt after “an incident” that “affected the entire family” just one week ago.” Does this have anything to do with that giant stuffed bear?

... I’m just looking at his ... uhhhh... package. What’s going on there?

I would DIE if someone announced my weight OUT LOUD!

I’m genuinely perplexed here (granted I live very far away from NYC), but what is this venue?? Is it a drained indoor pool?..

I’ve been using the same thing since at least the early 90s... I have to say it works for me. It’s Oil of Olay Foaming Face Wash. Because I’m lazy (especially at night), I can pump a dollop in my hands and wash my entire face (including all of my eye makeup) in one fell swoop. It’s glorious! Doesn’t dry out my face

I’ve been using the same thing since at least the early 90s... I have to say it works for me. It’s Oil of Olay