I'd like to note the same goes in Toronto. Also: where do you shovel the snow to? It's technically illegal here by bylaw to shovel into any public lane (road, lane or sidewalk), so we'd have to take the snow from the street parking spaces and shovel it back up onto our yards. I guess...in theory.
I've witnessed that thing. Marriage ended in <1 year. Friendship not recovered.
Try it! It's a pretty good time and drinking is mandatory!
Miss Fisher is Australian Jessica Fletcher if she were young in the 20's and was like "I sleep with whoever I want!!!!"
Wicked show.
My friend's partner is like this....he's very sweet with a pretty great dry sense of humor, but one day he got talking about the Jian Ghomeshi case which led into a bunch of other stuff and he was just...terrible. Just terrible victim-blaming opinions in a variety of cases and topics.
My boyfriend and I spent the car…
No lie, when I was younger, I had a friend (male) who told me that his dream in life was to meet a super successful professional woman, like in the top of her field in law or business or something. Then she would give it all up to be with him.
Like, in those exact words. We were teenagers, and at the time I was very…
Yes, I wouldn't exactly say that passive aggressively ensuring that a lot of people can't afford your wedding, dollar and/or time-wise is "mastering social politics".
Yeah, to echo the people who wrote on here saying similar things - I understand that the venue's hands were basically tied, financially.
I know there's a strong activism scene in Kitchener, though, and I am INCREDIBLY disappointed Cosby found enough people of the asshole persuasion to give him a standing ovation.
This is a misuse of restorative justice, which makes me angry. Restorative justice, in a Canadian Context, is generally used in situations involving First Nations peoples, and it is meant to be culturally appropriate to their history and how their societies dealt with conflict.
It certainly could be used by others,…
Continuous ice circles!?!
My kitty helps me knit. By pawing at the yarn. I guess she's checking that it has good paw-feel.
Me and my guy have both had childhood dogs (one of whom lived out her last years with us) but recently got a cat because we missed having a pet but dogs are basically persona non grata with landlords where I live and I didn't want to deal with the hassle.
Turns out, we loooooooove our cat. We recently visited his…
Air Bud-style dog showdown at 100 paces, obviously.
Peachfish a la Tom Robbins?
I agree with your sentiment - it seems unlikely that he wasn't violent in some way to his wife before knocking her out.
That said, I think it bears repeating that he works in a violent sport where he engages in violence every day. Violence that is being more and more definitively linked to frontal lobe…
If she matters to you a lot, and you're not just divorce-peeping (search your heart...I've myself been both from time to time) then send her a gracious and caring message. She might lash out at you because she was intentionally distancing herself and maybe sees your message as rubbing the divorce in her face or…
When my beloved childhood dog got old and sick I had such a hard time determining what behaviours of her old age were "manageable" and which were suffering. I had a wonderful vet who saw how hard it was to wade through and suggested long term symptom relieving drugs that I could afford but also pointed out that if…
Cosigned! I have this and I drop it ALL. THE. TIME. The functionality never goes down and you can completely take it apart and wash all the little parts separately. This is important to me as someone who takes cream in her coffee but is also paranoid about having old cream caught in the various mug mechanisms.…
Cosigned! I have this and I drop it ALL. THE. TIME. The functionality never goes down and you can completely take…
BRB, stealing this idea.