
Thank you. That song is infuriating on so many levels.

I was always the quiet kid in the restaurant and I always got annoyed by the other kids (who were clearly just being kids). Once, in a relatively nice restaurant, I stood up in the booth in which I was sitting with my parents and yelled across the restaurant ("be quiet, you bad boy!") at a little boy who was giving

I am astounded at the amount of people who

I read Dear Prudence yesterday and this was definitely infuriating. I guess it's because I'm always underestimating the extent of assholism that exists in the world. Seriously, the letter writer is probably the same kind of person who instinctively rides everyone's bumper on the road (because, who cares if I total

Can I just say that I wish it hadn't happened? My boyfriend (if you can believe it) is obsessed with that weepy nonsense. I can't stand it. It's kind of the worst.

I thought I was the only one who did this...

True. Though personally, I'd take a warehouse order fulfillment job over working with the public in a retail store any day.

This is so stupid and I don't condone it. In fact, I don't condone going to the mall at all during the holiday season. Stop it, people.

I've had most of the things on this list and they are mostly amazing. Now I need to drag my total homebody boyfriend to Ren Fest (he's never been) since this post made me so freaking hungry. Hopefully I'll get away with not sporting the boob shelf another year in a row.

Hilarious. I don't hate watching sports. I can usually give basketball a miss because it isn't all that interesting to me, but generally, I enjoy watching sports. I'd venture to say that I absolutely love watching baseball, a lot. Watching sports with my boyfriend, however, takes all possible fun out of it. He's

I'm not a hardcore rent negotiator by any stretch of the imagination, but I love home improvement projects so... a week or two ago, I noticed some of the linoleum tile in the kitchen my 1920s-era apartment in Baltimore had started to come up a little. I immediately emailed my landlord and said I'd put laminate

You made excellent points. I really do find it terribly pathetic that so many people are out there defending Ray Rice instead of worrying about Janay's wellbeing...and the wellbeing of their daughter.

It's okay, I've seen plenty of Nats games. I get MASN and I enjoy watching baseball. My father decided he was a Nats fan when they showed up down there and that's fine. I don't particularly care for the Nationals and you know what? That's fine too. The point I was trying to make wasn't that it isn't okay to root

I really didn't want to indulge your bad attitude, but I just couldn't help myself.

I'll take Baltimore over the DC metro area (grew up there) any day.

It's a fantastic neighborhood, too. Take a look at Wikipedia. :)

Charles Village, Baltimore, MD

I believe a Dazzler movie is in order. Just being real.

Car sales and, especially, repairs are the absolute worst (if you don't have a family friend in the business). Generally, I take my car to a place owned by a family friend and I am never overcharged. Once, I made the mistake of taking a "new-to-me" car to a "christian owned" shop near my work for an inspection.