
I knoooow. It’s like please text me back, please say you wanna hang out again, please don’t reject me because I said/did something mildly awkward the last time we hung out.

I just want someone to get day drunk with me and bitch about everything. Why is this so haaaaard???

It’s so awkward. I made a new friend recently and I’m still on pins and needles about it.

when I first read it, I thought it said “taking a shit on the playground” and was both repulsed and confused.

Seconding this! Making new friends as an adult is damn near impossible.

Cartoons (10)

Sorely in need of more friends, so fuck yeah, I wish I could make friends by saying hi.

the unconstitutional takes a little longer.

“He then announced that all our hands should be be raised...”

“Instead, he asked the class to raise their hands if they knew of a female who had used a company to get maternity benefits and then left right after having a baby,”

No vote on this motherfucker until Garland gets his. Period.

So I went to CU Law, and this has been a big debate among my classmates, and the people in the class right behind us.

My class had him for things besides ethics, and overall, our response has been along the lines of “He’s a Slytherin, but in there because he’s Machiavellian, not because, you know, he believes the

“Maternity benefits”

As someone who took 7 days off of class when I gave birth to my son in my first semester of law school FUCK THIS FUCKING BITCH RIGHT IN HIS UNLUBED ASSHOLE.

Ugh. Yet another reminder that Scalia 2.0 is, like Scalia 1.0, a firm believer that women can rationally be treated worse by employers “valid” reasons.

This will compel every Republican (and several Democrats) in the Senate to vote FOR him, lest their base think they are giving an inch on “life”.

She’s also spoken about how she used to say she wasn’t a feminist because she didn’t understand what a feminist was, now she does and is proud to be a feminist. She owns her mistakes and tries to better herself. That’s awesome, the world would certainly be a better place if more people were like that!

I totally agree that it would be great if more people were open about a journey from the bad and/or bigoted ways they used to feel. What I don’t like is this idea that she changed her mind because she met cool gay people. What if she’d met shitty gay people? Or fucked up, “weak” gay people? A minority group’s

Katie Perry is not the most enlightened person on earth for sure, but I applaud her for being honest about the journey that lead her to be more accepting. I think if more people were honest enough to say “I used to have messed up ideas but then I realized how awesome X group of people is” it might help people who are

Those praying the gay away camps never made any sense to me for a bevy of reasons, if a parent is afraid their child will be gay, why would you send them to a camp with other hot gay kids? Doesn’t make any sense.