Wolves are not killers of people, its the other way around. They mostly eat voles and mice. There are lots of varmin for them to eat up so they are the perfect near farm animal.
Wolves are not killers of people, its the other way around. They mostly eat voles and mice. There are lots of varmin for them to eat up so they are the perfect near farm animal.
Exactly! I have a girls rock shirt and bumper sticker from the girls rock lab that is a nonprofit giving girls access to become rockstars. So I’m driving on farms with it. The Godparents association, just not attending general privelege based groups is also helpful. #whitewomanwoke wold atleast be fun.
How about this crackerladies, tell a white bro to go to the March. If white women want to try to makeup for what their dumb whitey sisters did then use your proximity to white men to guilt trip them and make them support the woman’s march. Tell them you will no longer clean the bathroom and the ps4 will be tastefully…
Or you could attend and not try to lambast the ladies. It’s called “civil” “taking turns” “friends” “being supportive” and cleaning your own bathroom.
So how many times in your growing years have you been told “try a mens”. I have wide-ish sz 9.5 feet and as a girl and youngwoman was constantly told to try the mens shoes. I was basketball and other athletes for 15 years. So when buying my dad shoes for his retirement I asked guy in store to try on and he did and it…
Thank jesus someone’s putting this Mysogynist ginger in his place. His slut shaming of Elie Goulding in that one popular song then his “Vacay from social media” so he doesn’t have an address for sluts to clapback. He’s falling into his own shitpile.
The real question is “what pantsuit are we wearing for the march?”
Thank you so much for this. It’s enlightening and honestly if anyone googled manbangs they would just get brief gay porn. Which I am not dissuading that investigation at all, just the query would have been misdirected.
Men don’t want to “see” so you can’t show them. If some guy calls a lady a slut her reply should be “you wish”
I like to tell people to “lick my balls” or “suck my balls” and do a breast lift. They are sexual organs and mine are way bigger than any guys. Many guys have said it’s not the same they aren’t sex organs and I say really because they are full of glands, stimulating them secretes hormones and they are a part of…
Don’t ever feel dumb, Wanda is great she’s just not in that Web you so fabulously compiled for us. It is an intriguing thing.
Wold you just stop with the “it’s just an old wives tale” ahem, since when is it OK to justify ignoring wisdom gained from centuries of experience by women and handed down through family tradition. If I had to rate it I’d say I trust an old wives tale 110% more than a new young wives tale or an old dudes tale. Plus…
Isn’t there some historical preservation society that’s supposed to keep cheetolini away from to stop him from ruining all the upholstery and surfaces with ruddy spray tan streaks.
And most people don’t understand those girls, boys, young women and young men caught in the Fundamentalist church of JC of Latter Day Saints (yikes I can’t put Yeshua’s actual name in there due to sacriligouness) aka “fundamental Mormons”, really known as polygamists, have no physical way of escaping. They are…
Hey ladies,
And yet all these family and friends who say you just haven’t met him yet and maybe you should lower your standards abandoned you when you needed them when your lower standards ex husband tried dragging you and your kid down to hell with him.
Wanda Sykes!
Does anybody have a pic # is disconnect?
I’m really really gutted that noone did anything for you and this girl as well. My best wishes for you.
Human misconduct and white male agression. Now Pervsky is handing down judgements on mothers about their worth and permanently affecting their ability to parent their children via family court-because there are no rape victims there right?!#? Hope pervsky can swim as well as Brock case it’s my personal mission to…