
It’s about bleedin’ time! How many judges’ orders, consent decrees, committee findings, and inmate deaths has this guy ignored over the years? Dozens? Put him in jail? Put him up against a wall!

He should have been forced down when his dept lost nine surplus military weapons. He’s the prime example of why western Mass is an awful boondock place.

The tell here is that this Portland police department didn’t shoot the tree for being ashy.

I think it’s cruel and disgusting that people still wear fir.

He’s A-oakay in my book.

It’s worth noting that this was Portland, Maine.

One of the engineers I work with just did that today— again— I point out a bug and he breaks his neck trying to pretend that it’s a feature and anyway it’s so significant that it shouldn’t hold up the release etc. etc. etc. Dude, just shut up and fucking get on with it and do your job; the fix took you less time than

In male-dominated industries, there’s a lot of pressure on women to behave in traditionally “masculine” ways. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had one of my female colleagues tell me how I should communicate differently and in a less feminized way in order to be taken seriously. She does this every time that I

FUUUUUUUUCK THAT. My favorite line from Tina Fey’s Bossy Pants was her telling the story of Jimmy Fallon being grossed out by Amy Poehlar and Amy turns to him and says: “I don’t fucking care if you like it!” My job is not to be liked. I’m pretty self taught in my field so some of my skill set is a little uneven, but

At my other job (I’m a chef and so that obviously means I have to cobble together some semblance of a living through multiple paychecks) I work with all women and it is divine. It’s all about problem solving, sharing information, collaboration, and zero ego. When we carpool home from out of town weddings we almost

I work on a purchase/billing service that is cross-platform and deals in billions of dollars of revenue each year. My particular area of expertise is UI/UX, which is usually considered too artsy and feminized for “real” programmers. As such, I’m the only person in an entire organization with my skillset and

“They would look at the most elderly guy in my entourage and address him as the Prime Minister.”

I don’t know what it is, either, but I’m pretty sure I need it. (And yes, poor Sinead. She’s got to be one of the unhappiest people in the world.)

Never stop. You’re doing god’s work, my child. Thank you for your tireless commitment to these pressing issues!

I live in Cambridge and believe me, asking for $35K guaranteed a year is asking for NOTHING. Mr. Bennet and I are moving because (combined) we make nearly 3x what they’re asking for and we don’t think we can afford to live here long-term. The school’s behavior is nothing short of disgusting. You can’t require a

I’m really glad you said something because I thought I was having a reading fail and that the sentence must mean something completely different.