
I can’t stop laughing while reading that damn list


Shit. It only took 3 minutes.


Boy do I hate being a man right about now...we are assholes and murderers...

I think Gabby’s hair is it’s own uncontrollable entity. It deserves it’s own cast credit in Transparent.

What is going on with this article? It’s ridiculously hostile towards a very funny performance. Did Ricky Gervais cut you off in traffic or something?


I haven’t watched the show, but the clip above was brilliant. “We know who Mel is blaming” was just one of the knives he put into MB’s side. Truly truly not getting the bile in this article, unless the rest of the show was 100% different from this clip.

Wow. Thanks for this.

‘On Sunday, amidst an offensively bad hosting performance”

The Golden Globes are the only awards show worth watching, if only for people like Ricky calling bullshit on these show business phonies. Awards season is a farce—these people give each other a reach-around on live TV for 3 months and we’re supposed to care? Sorry you got the vapors over the Ricky G/Mel Gibson

Wasn’t it obvious that Ricky thinks Mel is a complete ass and he delighted in being able to express that to his face. Especially with the Shalom tag at the end of the show.

It’s so far off the mark that I’m wondering if she’s joking

Fuck you. Ricky Gervais is a god send compared to all of these stale cock strokers. Maybe Anne Hathaway and Franco are more up your alley.

Yeah, I think this is the biggest thing contributing to the hatred of Ricky. His humour is just not familiar to the Golden Globes crowd. Some can step up and catch it but...

Wait...what? Gervais a) isn’t racist b) has a VERY dry sense of humour c) almost certainly thinks Mel’s a racist arsehole.

I find your assessment of Ricky Gervais to be offensively bad.

Did Gervais go on a racist tirade I’m not aware of? That’s a lot of venom towards him to just not find him funny.