
Keep tabs on birth control studies. There is currently one providing free IUDs and implants in Salt Lake City (HER Study) that is studying the effect of long-term contraceptives and access.

Well, according to a kindly old gentleman walking his dog in the park today, global warming isn’t real and I quote, “God makes the weather”.

The idea that all scientists are liberals! Ha! Hahahahaha! Most I know are fairly apolitical, though are becoming quite aware of politics given the years of tight funding and now potential conflicts for governmental scientists.

I called my Utah Senator Mike Lee and had an odd interaction with an aide. She interrupted me in the middle of my message asking for my zip code and then didn’t let me finish my statement. Granted, I’m sure I conveyed (politely) my point that I hope Mike Lee will defend, not defund Planned Parenthood. However, that’s

Mid term elections are coming.

As someone living in Utah, we are actively trying to change that. He, along with other elected reps, are some of the worst obstructionists at the federal and state level. It’s an uphill battle, but we’re trying.

I agree in some scenarios. It’s all context based on the number of lanes and the available options to either let cars pass or to take an alternate route during high traffic.

Even when I am at or above the speed limit, cars cannot handle being behind a cyclist. It’s pretty scary with the maneuvers people will pull to ensure that they are in front of a cyclist. I do take the whole lane as it is indicated on all roadways (excluding highways) without adequate shoulders or bike lanes. The

I’ll be employing bilateral pool noodles after my morning encounter with a very aggressive SUV. The Univ. of Utah lacks bike lanes around campus, and I’m usually fairly comfortable navigating the left hand turn into my building’s entrance. Big hand wave signal to the left, look to ensure traffic is clear, move over to

he purposefully requested those cute quaint mini bar chairs to make his teeny hands look bigger.

I am in full support of the following, except anyone who reads AwkwardYeti will understand that gallbladders fail to induce disgust in me due to the cutest anthropomorphized cartoon.

My aging lab-shepherd mutt is 13 and when I see these stories... always the same reaction: find the Dawg, give her a big ol’ squeeze and tell her how much I love her. Never enough time with those mutts.

Please appreciate Ms. Rye’s facial expressions of disbelief, incredulousness, disgust, and (my personal favorite and a face I knew well) 2nd grade teacher disappointment.

Say what you’re thinking (tactfully of course).