
I think it goes pretty far beyond “they made a bad pilot”. Yes, the end product was good once they got up and running, but let’s not kid ourselves about who all contributes to making a show like that successful. Game of Thrones became the phenomenon it was because it was based on a good story (thanks GRRM). It had

“Of course, Benioff and Weiss were the brains behind not just Game of Thrones,”

Oh man, it’s totally crazy that creative people with hundreds of millions of dollars are reliant on one man to tell them what to do rather than do something competently on their own. Oh no!

Unfilmable? The majority of the books are dialogue and character interactions, the best of which D&D lifted directly from the books (see all of Tyrion, Little Finger, and Varys best lines from the earlier seasons)

Moxie? The only moxie is the benefit of having a Daddy who works at Goldman Sachs and was friends with the higher-ups at HBO and being a mediocre white guy.

The one rage inducing bit of not knowing their characters for me was a commentary where one of them described Stannis as a religious fanatic.  It’s like they didn’t even read the books where he says at one point that he doesn’t think any gods are worthy of worship after they let his parents drown and that “I don’t

Honestly, none of that is particularly surprising to me, especially the part about not understanding the characters or their motivations.

The stuff that is more frustrating to me is the admission they didn’t understand the characters and their motivations, that seems to be like writing 101 type shit.

I know there is going to be a lot of negative takes out of these because its the internet and its post finale Game of Thrones BUT the first four seasons of the series were brilliant television

So 2 inexperienced guys took a sprawling source material and had to work their way through adapting it because it had never really been done before. OK, that’s not exactly surprising.

One way to take this is that everything negative said about them on various reviews, blogs, youtube analysis video’s, was 100% true.

2010 was only 6 years after Return of the King won best picture and the same year Harry Potter 7 came out

Nobody is pretending the show wasn’t good at one time. Stop.

I don’t hear fans saying the show started bad.  I hear them saying that the show was really great so long as the writing was coming from Martin, and once the writers had to actually write the story themselves it all went to shit.

I’m resentful for a reason. I invested a lot of time in GOT to watch it become the fracking walking dead. The viewers have every right to eviscerate these two “entitled” untalented white boys.

Me, every time Pattinson gives an opinion on Batman:

Cowboy Kneepop.

Because it still works. PS2's Dualshock 2 was attached with the best selling console of all time, and when you have 4 out of the top 7 selling consoles of all time, all using the same ‘unified’ design, I think it’s not broken. And I dunno what you’re talking about with the dirt and grime, nor do I see how the DS4's