
Of course, it’s not his fault he died.

It wasn’t like he tricked people. Many people, especially kids, liked his stuff and he is a big name for a reason. I don’t really like his style at all, but I don’t think he deserves to be insulted in person at cons.

Agreed; for as bad as Rob’s art and writing are (and they are bad, and have remained consistently bad for 30 years), given the choice between meeting Rob and meeting John Byrne, I’d go with Rob every time. Byrne may be a good writer and artist, but everything I’ve heard says he’s just an awful human being. Rob, at

I I think the most notable thing here is not that this guy is covered in excessive pouches but that Liefeld actually managed to draw a pair of reasonable sized feet.

As long as they come with three sea shells, I’m fine with that.

complain about the name all you want, but the system has very clear conditions it it meant to work under, while being supervised, anyone purchasing this car is told this by the car, the manual, Tesla, ect... if you want to argue about it not existing then just as well crusie control should not exist because one day

Natural selection at its finest.

You know that having a misogynistic guy in today’s world, how do you make that fun and lovable and at the same time he’s got to be an incredible badass, so those are the things that we’re struggling with and we’re going to try and come out with what I hope is a really fun ride.

I think they just need to embrace him being a total asshole, like they did with Dredd or how Lobo is usually handled. Maybe he learns the slightest of lessons by the end of the movie, but he’s basically this anachronism that’s fun for us to watch, but not identify with. Maybe even make it slightly satirical.

Eh, if what you liked about them is that they were faster, then I suspect they wouldn’t really hit with me—a huge part of why I liked Pacific Rim’s mech fights so much is precisely that they felt, well, slow and heavy.

... I’m confused. The point is that it’s shitty that they took the woman lead from the last film and fridged her for the sake of a dude’s character arc. None of that contradicts with what you’re saying—the fact that they gave Mako a small supporting role and killed her off to motivate a dude, giving not one shit about

Really? I thought the first Pacific Rim’s action scenes were some of the best I’ve ever seen in a movie—the fights in, and just off the coast of, Hong Kong in particular, were absolutely incredible, from the way the Jaegers and Kaiju move and are choreographed, to the lighting and use of the surrounding environment.

What’s your point? They wrote that plot.

If they do a third one and get Hunnam back, maybe they’ll retcon this and bring Mako back. I don’t know how anyone involved thought killing her was a good idea, especially in such a cheap, fridging way.

I lost interest in seeing this when I found out Mako died early and pointlessly.

Z Nation. Both that and The Walking Dead are stupid, but at least Z Nation knows it’s stupid and just has fun with it

@Germain: is the VFX and camerawork as egregiously bad as it appears to be in the trailers? 98% of why I adore the original to no end was for the art design and execution, and if that ain’t there in the end product, this’ll be a skipper.

From the commercials I’ve seen, the actions scenes seem to lack the weight that the original did. In the first, the kaiju and jaegers are always filmed at an angle that has you looking up at them, making them seem huge, and they take up almost the entire screen. Plus, they move ponderously, like it takes time to move

So I’ve been ignoring this topic for a while now, as it was clear to me from the moment I heard about these two that they are just click-baity attention whores. But I feel I can’t ignore it anymore without at least telling you, the Kotaku writers: Stop posting articles about them. Them being bad at existing isn’t

caveman brain: this is an unfair portrayal of autonomous cars

smart brain: AH! A clever analogy between humans and our mechanical counterparts!