
Having finally seen The Last Jedi, I have to say it was brilliant. I was firmly on the anti-Johnson bandwagon, but I was wrong. It wasn’t a perfect movie, but it wasn’t remotely as bad as some people have made it out to be. And I think it sets up some fascinating possibilities for Episode IX.

If only someone hadn’t left the videogames out for the children to get a hold of...

Eat the rich.

Now playing

Power of an I4, fuel economy of a 6 but, with a sport exhaust and intake, they sound fantastic.

Damn, I forgot opinion, taste, subjectivity, or anything else were all at YOUR whim to command.

Jesus, who shit in your cereal?

Let’s do that with everything with a geeky fan base then???

Just imagine how insufferable he is irl. You just know everyone who has known him for awhile still calls him Jeffrey in the saddest tone.

Australian biohacker Meow-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow (yes, that’s his legal name)

In a just world, that name alone gets you jail time.

After seeing the word biohacker in the title and seeing this guys face, I was not at all surprised by that goofy fucking name

Meow-Ludo Disco Gamma Meow-Meow (yes, that’s his legal name) had a chip from a transit pass implanted in his hand...Meow-Meow is a self-described biohacker and cyborg who made headlines...running for federal election as a candidate from Australia’s science party. 

Jalopink uses its Torch to shine light into all corners of English motoring history.

This show is a trillion times better than American Horror Story. I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us next.

I didn’t say what “my” “friend” was into, just something that “he” had observed.

On the one hand I identify where he’s coming from, because we’ve all had to do jobs we didn’t like for the money. On the other hand, it annoys me when high profile actors complain about ‘paycheck’ roles like they suffered so much (which he honestly probably didn’t).

Eh, I wasn’t saying that people who liked the book are never thoughtful or critical. Just that their enjoyment of the nostalgia let them ignore the book’s many issues. I’ve watched five seasons of Arrow on CW, I’m in no position to judge people for enjoying a shallow novel.

Who is the target audience, then?

I don't see them as being a real fairy tale. Families were broken due to their affair. Also, Camilla comes from a long line of royal mistresses. It's tawdry.

I figure she's the victim because her husband cheated on her. Kinda sucks when that happens in front of the entire universe.