
Hey, good job on filling out an article quota. I don’t have a particular problem with the article, just that it ultimately had a lot of words to say a bunch of nothing.
TL;DR: A show critiquing mega-corporations is funded by a mega-corporation! The hypocrisy!

They sure were full of themselves when S5 ended. A mind-bendingly stupid card at the end said ‘End of Book 1’. It’s hilarious how someone thought they’d survive long enough for book 2 or 3, given the show was almost always on the bubble. It was never amazing, but produced some good moments and stories in S2-5. As

These guys are a joke. I should have known they’d fuck it up ever since seeing S5, but I kept thinking whatever they rushed the story for in earlier seasons would be worth it in the end. Wrong. 

If the review for the finale is positive and overall it’s worth seeing S3, I’ll probably give it a shot again.

But the first season was perfection. The second season is where the show lost me. I am wondering if I should force myself through S2 if S3 is good.

Why would anyone have such a PC case, with a vent or intake on top? Cat jumps on case, pukes. Have a glass on desk above the case, knock over glass. In both scenarios PC is fucked.

Yes, totally for children. That’s why they had so many scenes about trade federation blockades, senate hearings and... zZzZZzzzZzzzzz......

Doom Patrol was as weird and irreverent as it can get, yet it was so much more substantial and well-made both character and story-wise than any other comicbook show lately. Last time I felt like this from a comic tv series was Legion S1.
More people should watch Doom Patrol, it’s on a much much higher level to

Don’t. It will be toned down for sure, since you know they won’t go worse than whatever ‘hard-pg13' means.

But that’s one of the major stories. Ring gates open, new worlds and conflict for the crew. They were on Ilus for awhile and it wasn’t just a side story. Would you be against Amos’ and Clarissa’s journey in Nemesis games getting cut just because they are on Earth, separate from everyone else? No need to shorten a good

That’s harsh, I feel like to really feel that storyline play out properly you need at least 8-10 episodes. New characters introduced and given ample screentime, catching up with people outside Ilus on Earth/Mars/Belt, everyone on Ilus has trouble while figuring out how to deal with each other and survive, big events

IKR? This has replaced GOT as the series I wait for with most excitement every year. Doom Patrol comes close as it was an amazing surprise, but the Expanse has my top spot.

I liked that ‘do a lot, I don’t like the new one as much.
I would have preferred it a bit longer, since in the books she does that thing where she lowers her head and brings her bangs/curls over her eyes when she’s feeling down/hurt/embarrassed, etc. Would have been nice to see it on the screen as a character bit, but

This won’t go away if they just lie low for a bit, many of the decisions in the last 2 seasons were ranging from bad to dreadful and people have long memories. W&B should just accept they need to go through a grilling with public Q&A at some point, many fans would quote their own words at them and ask them


I don’t remember if Inaros was introduced before Phillip or not, but it would be much more effective to just cold open S5 with Phillip’s raid on the martian station. We get a continuation of Naomi’s story even if we don’t know it yet. Her OPA background is revealed and she’s already mentioned a son, so

If they can think of extra scenes with him that won’t feel like a pointless side story, sure why not. I doubt it, since how would you introduce him while he has no ties at all to the Ilus arc, just to keep the payoff from finding out who he is for the season after that? He just has no place in the story yet. We’ll see

Given that Bezos himself is a fan, I’d say they are perfectly fine until the end of the book series. The series was already with low viewership, so I’m not sure if that ever came up as a talking point. As much as I dislike the guy, he deserves thanks for keeping this series alive.

I really hope there’s no Nemesis Games links in S4. Ilus is enough for its own season and the entire Inaros arc deserves its own 2 seasons. 

It was unexpected, but I decided to just go with it and it’s fine. I have tiny issues with the latest 2 books, but it’s not a big deal and they are still very engaging. Finished the latest one a week or two ago and now I’m pissed I have to wait another year for the last one. At least I know it’s coming out, unlike

Very few people are so twisted. I’m one of the more vocal critics of S8 and frequent a subreddit where people are still very salty over the last season. Most of ourselves dump on anyone over there who even dares suggest something that drastic. Fuckers should be shamed, not threatened. I was all about asking W&B