
Where is this from?

I am a fan of Legends, even if this season was more of a letdown from previous ones. Even at its best LoT couldn’t hold a candle to Doom Patrol.

That doesn’t excuse the incredibly lame, tired jokes. I gave it 3-4 episodes when it came out, but it felt like a chore to finish them. Does it become better? I should laugh at a comedy series, not want to look at my phone.

When I found this years ago I was checking the other details first, the rail killed me when I finally saw it.

But he saw Dorne when Ned goes for Lyanna and finds Jon, so it’s not just the North. They didn’t use him because it would be too convenient and OP that he can spy anything from a distance. Thus chair lore instead. Bran has some really botched development earlier too. Like, why did he and the 3ER even stay for such a

Don’t get me wrong, if I had more limited time for series I wouldn’t touch this. At the same time it may be worth giving a few episodes whenever I’m just couch potatoing on a sunday. It looks well shot and not boring. Judging by this article it must break the wtf meter every couple of episodes, lol.

Fuck it. I may give it a shot, but I’m getting high before watching.


This entire thing sounds batshit AF. I have no idea if I’m glad I’m giving it a pass or not.

Being a complete moron is in line with his character from the last 2 seasons.

From Dumb & Dumber’s incoherent sloppy writing. After the Long Night episode: ‘we have witnessed the end of the Dothraki’ (their own quote). Episode after: half the dothraki and half the unsullied apparently live.

A tiny insignificant speck of R&M fans are toxic, just as fans of anything else. Sure, that McSauce fiasco was terrible, but I’m more surprised by people like you who still can’t let it go.

Feeling like these discussions are totally pointless now. Dumb&Dumber have gone and shit the bed in the worst way. Even if the books are headed in roughly the same direction, the way they go about it will surely be much different than the puke we’ve been served. At this point I’m more invested in the memes from

They knew they’d come up against 100K at least. They even had a large chunk of blue taking the entire side of the battle map last episode. Sending the cavalry in like that just could have given the NK 40K Deathraki troops if he bothered to get down from his dragon and raise them.

Yeah, I know about that interview. He has certainly given them a rough outline, but no detailed way of how they get there. The journey to the end point in the books has to be much better than what we got from the series.

Hey, there were a couple of good movies from the RE series. The first one was legit great. I don’t mind schlock if it’s done well, and RE was schlock to begin with.

I don’t care what happens in those last 3 episodes. I’ve lost faith they can serve something that would be worth 3 x 80 min worth of story now that the NK is dead. It was Cersei who should have been dispatched in one episode, not THE REAL THREAT during the entire series.
Now we’re back to a drunk bitch queen + an


This was a pretty dope game back in the day.

Speaking only from personal experience and this may differ for others - weed made my workouts better just by being more in the zone and also not giving a fuck about exertion. I had moments where I’m at the end of some heavy reps and my muscles should start seriously straining, I just didn’t care and still finished the