
Well, no it’s really not. Your analogy of sports is good - let’s put it this way:
Playing games on Twitch or having a YT channel won’t get make money for 99.9% of the people. For every successful channel there are 1000 toiling away and may not even make 10-20K subs after recording, editing and pushing out several

I’m one of those weird people who don’t give a single fuck about spoilers, so I read this before watching the episode. I have problems with this, mainly because it takes away an important element from everyone else’s lives - he was a big part of Alice, Julia and Elliott. Personally, I was shipping him with Julia even

Organizing tournaments or commentating is not the same as just being a couch potato and gaming all day. That’s not a guarantee of getting a job in a gaming company either - I tried that shtick once, they just hired someone with more experience in bugtesting.

Well, technically you’re not. The percentage of gamers who actually make money off gaming is so miniscule it can’t really be considered a possible job. It’s something you do for fun, and productivity doesn’t come into it. You’re not developing skills beyond getting better at a game, which brings you nothing but some

I guess even weaker Archer seasons are worth it. Different people enjoy them. I barely remember any of it and I was glad when it was over. DL and DI were better for me. One I loved most after the first 4 uh... classic seasons was Vice, though.

Danger Island was much much better than that dull garbage heap of a PI season. Not Dreamland, the one where he got shot at the end and got comatosed.

Pretty much this, it was a 6/10 episode. Too bad S7 and this one feel so rushed, but what can you do. It’s now about hitting fan service moments as quick as possible. Even if they didn’t have the last books to mine from, each season having 10 episodes as the previous ones would have made a huge difference. I hope the

No, first two are 60ish minutes, last 4 are ~80 each.

That was Last Hearth, home of the Umbers, where they found the Umber boy after he was sent there to march his people to Winterfell.

I remember some of it, and it was a mess of a season. Good individual moments can’t change that. Fools intrigued by the puzzle box will keep watching, but there is no payoff. Just plotlines that are both convoluted and lead nowhere at the same time. I won’t be picking it up whenever it returns, but it will be

Did they though? I checked out like halfway into S2 because it felt they’d never leave that one house/apartment they were staying at and everything moved at a glacial pace. The only thing that entertained me was the bald german guy whose name I already forgot. And I don’t know, maybe the ‘Arseface in hell’ plotline a

Yeah, because taking 30 seconds to write a post and checking for a reply at some point later is the same as wasting 20 minutes on a video. Maybe he’s just browsing while waiting for a task to finish / glancing at articles on a second monitor. That’s an acceptable practice, unlike putting on headphones and checking out

What is this mythical land where you have issues running the base game after all the updates with bug and compatibility fixes released over the years? I decided to try it again a year ago, GOTY edition with all patches was installed and ran successfully immediately.
I can break the GOTY edition just fine as well, but

OR, going by logic, 5 workdays followed by the weekend. Why would you want your 2 days off (if you work standard mon-fri) split at the start and end of the calendar week?

You mean the much more logical system used all over the world? For me the only natural thing is to have the 5 workdays followed by the *weekend*. Duh. Muricans had the option of going metric in 1975, not the rest of the world’s fault it didn’t happen.

It’s not supposed to fit in it, it’s a separate one-off.

I have no idea if it’s down to scheduling conflicts or whoever’s in charge is completely inept at choosing a tone for it. Either keep it pg13 or go full R horror. The first trailer looked great and if they wish to add more horror or polish the story, just do it so it can be released. Would be stupid to can it if it’s

Oh yeah, that one is brilliant. Highly recommended to anyone who hasn’t seen it.

They are making small changes, allowing some of the directors to make it a bit more of their own movie, but it’s still within the set limits. Most of the MCU with rare exceptions are bland, skippable movies with interchangeable structure, story beats, cinematography, tone, music, jokes. Everything needs to be safe.

Well, you got 4 of them. 1 hr 20 mins is pretty much feature-length, even if the definition has stretched to 1.5-2 hrs nowadays.