
Oh, and he’s a complete simpleton who got a skanky pornstar/stripper pregnant. How much of a fool must he be to rawdog that? He tried making her have an abortion, while she naturally kept her meal ticket.

Excuse me, what? The plot was convoluted as hell, the story was its main drawback even if the rest of the game was solid. And I loved that game when I played it, it was my first FF. I know most of the FF games have bonkers stories, but that one takes the cake.

I don’t think so at the moment, maybe it will come back to Netflix at some point.

This needs to die at some point. After all the mud-slinging between him and Kelis, they are about on equal footing there. I don’t believe he beat her, but both of them were terrible to each other in other ways. Some relationships end up toxic, and Kelis ain’t no saint either.

Yeah, my emphasis wasn’t on the team, more on the ‘organization dealing with monsters/a variety of weird shit’ - so even if you have some faceless mooks to be taken out, you still have the monsters or artifacts as the main focus. Maybe a couple of characters who are there to see people die around them, but live long

They usually get the main idea from the initial stories, then develop the shows into much more depth. It’s like the creepypastas are the elevator pitches and the writers then adapt them into something so much more.

The best horror series of the last decade, hands down. Every season is a gem, hopefully it does well enough to go on indefinitely, as long as they have enough good creepypastas to mine from.
Now I wonder if anyone is willing to adapt the SCP Foundation into an R-rated twist on Warehouse 13 / The Librarians. That would

Yeah, I’m pretty much done with them as well - besides the fact I’m a guy in his early 30s and time is barely there for anything else but the most essential games, JRPGs just don’t feel like they’ve progressed at all. The writing is still either generic tropey garbage about a few cardboard cutout teens on a quest to

It’s as good of a game (excluding the magic draw system) as any FF when it comes to gameplay, graphics (for its time), beautiful world and some nice characters. Problem is the story was nonsense and I’d have to read a long-ass primer just to make sense of it all. So many moments which come and go making you go ‘huh?’,

It was okay.

Yep, Starfire still looks like garbage - and not because she’s black. Really hope that outfit is temporary. The rest I can live with. But I don’t expect this to be good anyway. We’ll see how it goes.

Kinda agree, but the family plot would have been more interesting if they had the budget to move things forward in a better pace. The sitting in rubble half the time is also the result of them having to stretch things out as much as they can while adding more drama. Can’t have battles and fancy effects every episode.

It will probably be picked up by another network or Netflix.

Is this a decision made by the suits, or is Cavill moving away of his own volition? I’d love him in the role done right, and unlike others I loved his version of Superman too. So much for the DCCU if both him and Batfleck go. How do you explain Kara as the new ‘Super’ and a new Batman, but still the same WW and same

Come on, I’m still holding out hope for UNCLE sequel. About as much as for the Dredd sequel at this point, but still...

I feel like this boat has sailed, even if older guys like Neeson have proven you can have an oldie in the role for 4-5 movies with no fuss. This is going the way of Fillion for Nathan Drake.

I support the companies which deserve support. I barely have time for anything else but a few games per year, so I’ll skip this - but if I was still in my teens with no disposable cash, I’d be all over that pirate version. Screw shitty business practices. They want to fleece me, well I’d do the same in a heartbeat.

Easy solution: If you’re a PC player, pirate the game and get all the VC you want through trainers or in-built patches. You won’t get to play online vs the legit players, but you can easily finish the career mode if it’s any good. Then just delete the game.

Why not? If the studio decided to cut 15 minutes of scenes and essentially butchered the movie, I want to see the full version. This is not a Snyder cut situation where a bunch of people want to see something unfinished/non-existent, this could turn out to be like Kingdom of Heaven. You are way too quick with the dismi

It reaches out it reaches out it reaches out it reaches out - 113 times a second, nothing answers and it reaches out.