
Marina was one of those characters they brought back to have something to play with next season. She will probably be back at some point.
I am more interested in how the library had a thing which allows to syphon all magic from the place the group turned it on at? I was left with the impression that they control it

And nobody cares that Diesel voiced him. You could have gotten literally any gruff-voiced voice actor to do 100 different takes on that line, there would have been no difference in the end product.

No. 170M production + at least 100M for marketing - considering studios get 45-50% of the theater gross as profit (the rest remains for the theaters), the movie needs to make at least 500M to break even.

Who is the idiot here? It’s something like 175M production budget and probably another 100M+ in marketing. The movie’s made 191M overall worldwide. Roughly 50% of the total gross comes back as profit - from some countries like China it’s even less, maybe 25-30%.
The movie needs at the very least 500M worldwide to

*portrait, but we got the joke.

Missed the reference, but on the other hand I haven’t rewatched it in a long time. I would agree with your second point, but some people are beyond convincing or converting and don’t contribute a single good thing to humanity or society. I am tired of every fucking MAGA retard shouting fake news at obvious evil acts

If he existed, he probably would - as opposed to them.

Why the hell not? She is trash, Trump and his cronies are trash. Most of the GOP is trash. Fuck those pus-filled hemmorhoids. Wishing death on them is perfectly fine, they deserve it for being shitstains. The world is overpopulated anyway.

They are definitely having issues, I got the error when trying to open some channels I subscribed to.

Come on, it was a given. The ratings for both are great, I think BL does even better. There was no way they’d cancel either of them.

Number of people getting stranded in a weird location and having to survive tough conditions is always entertaining as a concept. The premise is the same, the execution is what matters.
This was also the story in The 100, which sucked balls in its first season (for me it was first half of the season), but it got a

Off-topic, but what I love about Black Lightning is it really goes for it in its first season. Things happen that you wouldn’t expect to see until season 2 in other shows. The pacing was a bit off in the first 4-5 episodes, but it really took off after that and I really hope they keep it up. So refreshing to see a

Fuck inattentive people, this is just natural selection. Tesla named it autopilot, but they never said this is an autonomous vehicle which can take you from point A to point B while you sleep in the seat. Same way a plane with an ‘autopilot’ just maintains course and altitude, it can’t land by itself. Everyone who

I really hope if we see a Valerian sequel the characters are much better. I loved the visuals and overall story, I just didn’t care for the main duo.

Do they come with a user manual? I can die happy once I finally know how to use the damn sea shells.

Whoa. I wouldn’t put it anywhere close to Star Wars, but it was a great movie if you take the cheesy plot and dialogue and just run with it. Mako was certainly the heart of the first movie. I didn’t know so many people think of her as a secondary character (at least some in this comment section). What is up with

Hey, I find the recaps funny. I can follow the dumb story for the watercooler/lunch talks. As someone who abandoned the show in S5, the recaps provide me more entertainment in 5 minutes than this shitshow can provide me in 50. The comment section gives me an additional fiver while I’m bored at work.

Well, most of the ridiculousness works, but sometimes it doesn’t and that’s one of the shit moments. If I have to take one of these every once in a while to get another giant cheese wheel moment, I’ll endure it.

I highly doubt more than 1% of the people who would be watching this movie give a toss about SW or Vision. At least Hawkeye and Widow had some nice banter and were the grounded members of the team. What’s the point of introducing even more peripheral characters if they are never explored in detail? I’d be surprised

Well, these movies are just popcorn fare, the acting and story won’t win awards any time soon. It should be easy and fun to film the scenes even without much backstory. Hope this one is good, lately I enjoy 1/3 of whatever they push out, so at least the Thanos movie better be worth it.
All that aside, I was more