
I wouldn’t call him goofy, but definitely more bland. The one we saw in Hardhome had much more character. His eyes were more expressive and lines of his face were sharper. Not a big deal, but still a shame the original guy couldn’t reprise it.

Well, come on. What do you expect them to have done? You don’t need everyone to have an equal hand in killing/defeating SW, at least for me it’s not that big of a deal. They all had their parts in the rest of the movie. Just because Superman returns to be the one to tip the scales, it’s not ruining anything.

That’s why Superman is most powerful one in the League, which has never really been disputed. It was still a very good team movie. Not exceptional, but a solid 8/10.

That’s great, now if they could only make their download list actually manageable. That thing is atrocious. Every game is listed 2-3 times for each platform it’s on, and the games listed on the page are too few. I literally rage every time I want to check out my full library.

Yes, that’s the one I use. Utterly unable to reconnect the controller after I miraculously make it work, but reset after that. Honestly I can probably work it out, but am not willing to dig in deeper. I’ll give it another shot soon, until then just keyboard gaming on the PC. It will probably work better over cable,

I’m not surprised, they are beautiful. If I had the resources I would buy a large garage, keep one as a second car and work on restoring it toward something fancy.

At first I was doubting your claim, as the controller can only pair to one device, but then I read one of your replies stating you were using it over cable and the PS4 was still somehow recognizing the BT inputs. I guess it’s somehow possible and hope the charges are reversed quick.
Side question: How the hell do you

One of my favourite soviet auto designs. Always thought the Volga would be sexy as a drop-top lowrider.

I was okay with the movie, it’s not the wreck some are making it out to be. I realize it’s trashy, but most of the characters were likeable and entertaining - Deadshot, Harley, Croc, Boomerang, even Diablo got great scenes. I was also in the camp which kinda liked ‘instagram thug’ Joker.
I thought the problems were

Doesn’t exactly remind me of Banshee, but it does get violent enough to warrant a comparison. Main character is also a criminal with a good heart. Two great series.

Never thought about it, but seems like perfect casting. I was about to joke as to when would someone finally get to adapting the Black Company. Googled it, saw it’s in development with Dushku starring as the Lady... and produced by David Goyer. It’s a toss-up on whether it will be okay.

It was basically fine as a gritty buddy cop B-movie with a fantasy twist. I watched it, wasn’t awed by it and hope if there’s a sequel it’s executed much better. Right now it’s a 7/10 movie at best, during which I still had the urge to check random shit on my phone every once in a while.

What show did you watch? It was one of the better comicbook show pilots I’ve seen, and if it keeps or improves its current level, it will be miles beyond Luke Cage. That show started off just fine, but then became an almost unwatchable pile of crap.

Except the premiere scored 0.8 for the CW, which was basically keeping all of the Flash lead-in audience. Even if it drops to half that number, it would still be one of the most watched CW shows and almost certainly renewed for S2.

No. The PL right now has big 2-3, middle 2-3 and bottom 12-14. Go look at the table and those points. Only 10 points separate the bottom 11. It’s interesting in the aspect of who from the big 6 will make the top 4. Lately champions are Chelsea or City (excluding the Leicester blip, but not undermining their

I liked this guy ever since I watched Banshee, happy to see him get more high-profile work.

It worked, thanks!

Damn, you’re right. Well, I won’t stop visiting Giz and its related sites, but this sucks. I am pretty sure 99% of visitors are annoyed by this as opposed to watching them.

Adblock Plus worked fine for me. There’s a ‘block element’ option which allows you to highlight the ‘recent video’ box and just permanently remove it.

From what I’ve read and seen of it, I am both inclined to pirate it to form a full personal opinion, and thinking it would be a waste of time. Considering how many better games I can play instead of a half-botched attempt to salvage a vaporware title, it would be just empty hopes fed by nostalgia for the better games