
I read the recaps just to keep up with it, since I was invested until the point Beth died in a needless and stupid way. Very few characters were left that I actually cared about. I realized the story won’t ever go beyond encountering another evil/evil in disguise colony, whose leader will torment what’s left of the

Just gauging overall opinion among fellow commenters. I used to love the show, but it feels like there is 0 imagination about how to make the show feel less tired and mundane.
Right now it’s like a random police procedural - you always know what to expect, occasional parts of the episodes are interesting. Then you

Oh, I realize they are different. My point was that it’s what, season 8 now? There’s been 0 real story development, it’s the same damn thing over and over and over again, and I’m wondering how come there’s no fatigue from the general audience. Travel somewhere for a bit and dodge zombies, encounter a potential safe

At least Z-Nation knows it’s fun schlock and that allows them to experiment with it, as opposed to the endless rehashing of the same ‘serious’ story we see in TWD. Enjoy wasting your time with it. I realized I was watching out of obligation a long time ago.
P.S. If you think anything about TWD is for intellectuals, I

I don’t get what people still like about it. I dropped it mid-season 5 because it got boring AF and it felt like they were just treading water all the time. Z-Nation is much more fun, at least stuff happens.

I don’t think Harmon & Roiland care for profit, but I also think they wouldn’t kill their show because of a few assholes.

Depends on what you prefer as game styles. Some people like worker-placement type things like Catan, Pandemic or Power Grid (which is awesome). Others like more dungeon crawling where your figure navigates mazes and a DM plays the enemy figures. Games where you play in a team or where you play against each other. Let

Dead of Winter is great, worth it for any tabletop fan to have in his collection and there is lots of replayability.
Regarding Gloom, it’s a charming game but after 2 sessions it gets boring AF. You know exactly how things go, there are few cards and nobody cares for making up a story. It could have been much better,

Most of Marvel’s recent fare has been bland and samey, but hopefully Waititi made his own movie. I absolutely love WWDITS and Wilderpeople. This feels different enough to make me want to see it. Marvel can benefit from leaving a director alone every once in a while or at least not make everything so interconnected -

Doctor Strange? That pretty much invalidates your point. It was a very forgettable movie with weak story and stock characters. 6/10 at best, just IMO. But the general consensus feels almost the same - bland movie, good enough to please for 2 hours and nothing more. Of those you mentioned I’d only possibly rate Cap 2

I fully agree, although I actually like Snyder as a director and I liked his vision. MoS was very good, even if it had some missteps which people obsess over. The problem was a bad script for BvS - if he has good material he can do great things (Watchmen). If JL ends up being very good, I’d very much like to know how

Those were the reasons I gave it up as well, much earlier than you. I was maybe 10 hrs in. I always thought I’d finish it, but never got around to it. Everything but the battle system feels mediocre and I can’t enjoy that if both the enemies are repetitive and levels+story are boring.

Well, Jerry’s story this season was that he was divorced, so naturally we’d see him less. One entire episode with him and a few cameos were enough for a 10 episode season. I thought he may change a bit. Even though he seems to wants to, he’s dumb and limited, so we can’t expect much.
Summer was gone for a bit though.

Don’t kid yourself about the Rift or Vive just because they are slightly better and have a bit more games - it’s still a very niche platform which the general population doesn’t care much about - I used to be a hardcore gamer, now in my early 30s I play less, but have the money for a VR kit. I wouldn’t buy either

Fuck the boring pointless slog that is TWD, so glad this is back. More people need to watch it. S3 was a bit worse than the first two, hoping this one gets back to their level.

Didn’t imply you would hate it because of the women writers. Otherwise I respect your take. Here’s to hoping we get those 14 episodes next season and there is enough greatness in it for us to both rank it as a top season.

What I hate the most about entertainment sites is snark just for the sake of it. They are trying to right the ship and all you can do is shit on it? Why not try to keep a positive outlook on this, we all hope the quality of both DC and Marvel improves so we can get better comicbook movies. Until JL comes out we don’t

Check out Hunt for the Wilderpeople (if you haven’t already).

Come on, the man gave us Aliens and T2. He will forever be a legend in filmmaking. He does keep tarnishing his legacy with those dumb comments and Avatar sequels, though.

Agree about the plots and jokes. My point was that people have different tastes and for me the pickle episode was a standout - the roach exosuit was an amazing idea and the entire 80s movie homage in the 2nd part was so great. The therapist parts were fine and provided the theme of the episode. If you are one of those