
You can easily finish the game without reading any guides, but I advise you not to spread out the leveling points into all possible stats. Pick something out of str, dex or magic/faith and stick with it, at least until you hit 40-50 in that stat, then you can go for something else.

What? I played a couple of DC games using Chancast and it works pretty well. Not perfect, but almost all games are well-playable and the occasional minor graphics bug doesn’t really matter. The emulator has worked for a long time now, I remember using it in 2008.

You can’t seriously think they had pure intentions in mind. I think they just want monopoly over the entire react format, which in itself is so basic it’s preposterous to call it their own.

You should. I hated the V.Savage/Hawkman/Hawkwoman backstory, hopefully now that one of them is dead we’ll not be seeing any more of it (or it will be kept to a minimum). I watch it mainly for the action, but there are surprisingly good other moments in there.

They’ve lost 300-400K subs already, hope they lose some more to teach them a lesson they won’t forget soon.

Does anyone have an idea if there’s a website or browser plugin allowing someone to watch a youtube video without having it register your view? I would watch the occasional react gaming video, but those guys seemed off to me for awhile now and this seals the deal. Their update/apology video seemed to insincere. I

She’s not a name headlining blockbusters, but what else would you call her? She’s just below top-tier when it comes to actresses, definitely in the top 10.


Watch the Venture Bros.

Not really. I was hoping for an 80s Archer, but the jokes fall flat most of the time. I watched a few episodes, but it’s not really special.

Yeah, it’s very Smallville-ish. I watched it until now, but see no reason to continue if things don’t change. A few good moments every once in a while don’t prevent the corny mediocrity that is the main state of the show.

Just what I needed to hear, thanks!

Is it any good? I stopped watching at the end of last season when he relapsed, since I felt like it got boring and there were no interesting ‘main’ story acrs. It felt like filler all the time for awhile. Does the new season improve?

Don’t get me wrong, I hope the game is great, but throwing out ridiculous numbers means nothing. Billions of planets means nothing if they are the same randomly generated stuff with no substance to it. Who cares if you have one-nosed green dynos on one planet and two-nosed blue dynos on another? Fly, land, look at

The team that did Day/Night Watch can probably do a great Red Son.

I love the improved combat, love the companions, love SOME of the quests and I think they can still tell a great story through elements in the environment. I love the exploring and the guns. What I don’t love is how you are railroaded into the same action no matter what dialogue option I pick. There aren’t much

Yeah, but I’d appreciate it if they didn’t take 15 minutes and I didn’t have to grind. It’s possible to have a middle ground between the 30 second regular battles of normal jrpgs and ones taking 5-15 minutes (much more for bosses). When enemies start running around the maps and I need to chase them I lose my shit.

No worries man, I wasn’t really offended or anything. Reason I mentioned originality is because there’s some truth to stereotypes, and I’ve seen my fair share of combative fans who’d start a fight whenever anyone mentioned anything about FF7 wasn’t perfect. I wouldn’t, as you said, shit on any fans for liking 7 the

We do that, but then think of what could have been and see the current game for what it is. A shallow action-rpg where the rpg part is severely gimped compared to the previous games. It’s a great game on its own, but lots of fans expect an rpg true to Fallout while Bethesda gave us a dumbed down version.

I wouldn’t buy a console just for 1 game, so I’m sad I can’t play Splatoon. :/