
I don’t know enough about what he did during all that time, but if even half of this is true, he was a bad apple too and could have done more. At least when it comes to the story he has no excuses.

“People don’t like to admit to liking FFVII anymore ... VI is hipster’s choice”? If I say I like something better, it doesn’t mean I don’t like the other ones.

Damn, you must have breezed through it to need to level up. I was like 35 hours in when I beat it first, which isn’t too much time compared to other JRPGs that are grindy.

I’d kill for those options on Tactics, Wild Arms or any other similar game. Those battles take so long, I can’t even. That’s why I barely played any tactical JRPGs. Out of 60 hours gameplay 58 would be time spent in battle while 1-2 hours would be the cutscenes and story.

Hey, X was much better executed even though the path went in a straight (or crooked, but still) line. The locales were memorable at least for me. Most of them also had some branching paths here and there, so it wasn’t as bad. If the voice acting was better and Tidus was less of a whiner with daddy issues, I’d rank it

If we got a list of all games I want a remake of, I’d have at least 20 titles by now. Let’s be glad we at least get this instead of another iteration of V for some reason.

Different strokes. I’d say the random encounter rate is the worst thing about it and a couple of characters are just tacked on for the hell of it, but those are the only few drawbacks for me. At first I didn’t like the art style, but it suits the fairytale feel of the story.

At least you’re original, so I give you that. Can’t wait how many ppl will scream that 7 is best by the time the thread dies down. Also, agree about 4, it’s pretty good. With these things it’s all about personal taste and circumstance.

I’d tie them with 6 for best ones, but 9 is closer for me at least.

Mine was 8, then 7 and 6 before 9 came out. I’d tie 9 and 6 at 1st place if I really have to, but 9 was always my fave.

Hopefully they have them; but even if they don’t, they can do some processing magic like the Resident Evil HD version did. The backgrounds were super blurry there, but the HD version looks surprisingly well.

Love it a whole lot too, but that one is badly effed up in the story dept even for a FF game. :)

Whatever game Heidern was part of last (2001 I think?). I’m sentimental like that. He was my first main back in KOF ‘94. Ikari team FTW; If I play mix and match I add King every once in a while. :)

Finally some love for the best FF.

And here I am, spent like 130 insight on chunks a couple of days before the update. :< At least farming is less painful now, rushing through a low level chalice dungeon nets me like 8-10 per run, so it’s more feasible.

The Despecialized editions are available on torrent sites - worth it.

It’s not dangerous if if they smoke indica and already know what they’re doing. Even sativa would fuck you up a bit, but make you more careful and more prone to slow down immediately than fall off or lose control.

You’ve got them confused, mate. Sativa is the one that fucks you up while indica is the one that concentrates you. You are right about everything else, though. :)