
Play on PC, download a trainer, kill everything in one hit. The game is worth it for the story anyways, so who cares if you’re not going through the battles the proper way. I never finished the first one, but may rush through both for the story if I can cut out the time sunk in battles.

I go with a high charisma + intelligence on first playthrough and then go a low intelligence berserker to fuck around on my second one. Soon...

They shouldn’t have made it such a backstory in this case. I guarantee I would not fuck about and immediately beeline to whatever I think is my next urgent location if my kid was kidnapped, but I won’t be roleplaying it this way if I actually want to enjoy the game. I will shag anyone and go roam aimlessly if I want

Punching! It’s the gift that keeps on giving! :)

I played it like that before, but now every singe thing you pick up is actually useful, more or less. It’s too much. It gets tiring to pick stuff up, run out of space and start sorting through and thinking what to drop. Or scrolling forever trying to find just the few non-junk items you want to store in the supply,

The one thing I am absolutely not ashamed of doing is adding 1000 of each main ingredient for crafting.

Or slice up with serrated legendary sword I found by chance at a random vendor. Seriously, I went a few hours gathering the caps for it, but now it makes me feel like I’m cheating. Go into a raider camp and slice up everything, berserker style. And my character is a girl with base 2 STR, high intelligence and

I hadn’t actually listened to the radio station when I stimbled upon it/him. I was like ‘what’s wrong with this dude?’. I had 11 charisma (base 7 + 4 from clothing) and thought he may be intimidated by my pretty visage lol. Going down to 6 (-1 because of alcohol) didn’t do any difference. :) I will play the radio on

We are not talking about age, but active training regime and lifestyle. It’s one thing to fight someone in his peak, totally other to fight him when he’s already been contemplating retirement for 2-3 years. Him going into politics showed he’s not 100% into boxing anymore.

Would’ve been nice if he didn’t duck Pacquiao for years. Manny entered politics, was basically semi-retired and Floyd finally wanted the fight.

We all know who the fan fovorite was. :) If we can’t get a prequel movie about those first few years, why not include the team in the comic? Probably in some of the next issues.

I’d rather have it dalayed and done properly with more episodes than have it gimped or not done at all.

“I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating...”

That one was great, my favorite is the fight intercut with the flashback fight against Slade in the S2 finale - probably the best they ever did.

That’s not really seamless, though. I admit they made it look okay, but it was still very obvious when we had a CGI Flash onscreen. Grodd was excellent, but Flash was a bit into the uncanny valley.

You haven’t watched Banshee then. Best fights on TV. Daredevil is a close second. Hell, even Arrow has had fights on par with or above AoS.

I think she is taller now than she was in GoT’s first season. It’s still possible, but there are other actresses they can pick that would be better suited. She no longer looks 14 and even if they cast her in TLOU movie, she’d be 20 or more by the time the movie starts shooting.

She already grew up too much to be a suitable Ellie, unless they rewrite her character to be slightly older.

Kudos for the Black Books screenshot. I need to rewatch the series soon.

I voted for it as well. I knew things like this would happen much more often than not when the voting thing was announced. People always vote for the more hyped game, and Grow Home was the flavor of the month. Armello looks great and I’m bummed we didn’t get it.