
That should have been it, but instead we get another ridiculous situation where 6-7 people can fight and hold their own against dozens of robots. It’s not like they were the awkwardly shuffling inept bots from the Star Wars prequels.

Good thing chalices are super boring to me. As soon as I kill that one boss in Great Pthumeru Ihyll, I’m done. Getting there requires me to go through 5-6 other dungeons anyway. I could check which ones drop good gems and farm a few, but that’s it. Having no one to co-op with makes them chalices a bitch.

took me like 4 attempts, I may have been overleveled

There are some which are worse - I utterly destroyed Celestial Emissary, and it was supposed to be a boss. At least the Micolash fight had great atmosphere and his lunatic ravings which made him so memorable.

Nobody cares about him in Thor, I would have liked it if he was kept as Punisher since I think he was perfect for the role. I don’t see Bernthal doing as well. Warzone may not have been a great movie, but Stevenson nailed it.

Don’t count? It’s a Bethesda game and it can be made several times better with carefully chosen mods. If there is one exception to ‘mods don’t count’, this is it. Pretty much everyone here would agree if they had a choice between playing Beth games on PC vs console, they’d play on PC because of all the possibilities.

Just say you wanted to spell cumquat, you big dope! :)

I thought this looks like shit and I knew I wouldn’t watch it, but now I need to see it just for the bus. :/

Can you imagine them suddenly becoming the most valued department? lol

He’s still going about it in a stupid way.

Seriously, is it that hard to include the name under the pic? I have to perform a reverse image search to find out what that is. For all those who wonder, this is a Black Rain Frog. Captain out.

If we start oversimplifying things, sure. I had a few issues with it as well, but overall it was good. Either way, thanks for your two cents.

So? They can move the World Cup to any country that already has good stadiums. Russia can stop needless spending (they will do fine as hosts though, already have a few great stadiums and the rest can be improved) and Qatar has so much money they won’t really care.

I’d love it if they did better versions of Red Skull, Ronan, or Whiplash/Crimson Dynamo, but I don’t think we’ll see them again until they do a soft/hard reboot, if at all.

I never said Fox’s track record is as good - I only compared the X-men movies to Marvel, not the rest of Fox’s crap. I’d even rate Daredevil’s Director’s Cut as better (watch it if you only know the theatrical version, could make you see it in a better light) than some of Marvel’s worse movies. Yeah, Marvel’s OVERALL

Yes, I was not lumping everything together. Abomination was fine, nothing too special - above the muppets that were Malekith and Ronan, but still. I loved Iron Monger as well, but as the first villain for Iron Man he was just a standard dude in a larger suit who did a good job of opposing Tony. He was still better

Compete with Marvel’s offerings? People talk about their movies as if their track record is spotless. X2, DOFP and First Class are better than most of Marvel’s movies so far.

When it comes to X-men, I’d say it is.

Alright, just checked and it seems like they include the TV shows. You are technically correct. Still, I assume when people say Cinematic universe they discuss the movies, it’s natural when the word ‘cinematic’ is included. Are we going to include every C-list bad guy they include in AoS on a list of Marvel Cinematic

Fox movies based off Marvel comics include X-Men, X2, First Class, The Wolverine (not Origins), DOFP and the upcoming Deadpool. Of the listed I’d say only Wolverine had a subpar villain (we’ll see how Deadpool fares when it comes out). Overall most of the X-men movies are on the same level as the best of the MCU.