
We hate day-one DLC or on-disk DLC. A large expansion pack type DLC is always appreciated.

Absolutely. This was my only complaint with the game - not much equipment. Add another 15 weapons (not sidearms) and then we can talk. At this point there are only like 2-3 viable weapons per build.

Well, duh. Was there anyone who doubted there will be at least one large DLC? It was bound to be announced at some point.

Hopefully the sequels are more up your alley. They are pretty much confirmed.

It was clearly just a gag at the very end of the movie, when the climactic scene is done. It didn’t really hurt the rest of the movie.

PP2 overperformed a lot and will drop off a lot in its 2nd weekend. Avengers 2 is the newest team up movie by Marvel and it’s expected to still be raking in the money in its third weekend. 44 million (and over 100M worldwide) for Max in its first weekend is a success. There are already talks that the sequel(s) are

Just because you didn’t like it doesn’t mean it’s overrated. You would probably label Dredd or John Wick overrated as well. They are simple movies, but perfectly executed.

Now playing

If the sound at the theater was fucked, you can listed to the OST here to determine if you like it or not:

They made all of the cars, most had 2 copies for multiple takes, even the rig with all the soundblasters and fire-spewing guitar guy was completely real. All of this is hurtling forward in a desert on huge speeds while cameras are swirling all around them to shoot guys on top of long poles (no CGI) flail around. You

The opening was slightly higher than expected, actually. 44 million for an R-rated movie is great, especially since Avengers 2 is still doing strong and Pitch Perfect 2 overperformed. The movie has done well enough to almost guarantee the sequel(s). It will do even better in the upcoming weeks, since the word of its

This was fine for a 3D MK from ‘97. I remember enjoying almost every iteration back when it was released. Deadly Alliance was a bit disappointing in certain aspects, but it gave us some great characters (didn’t expect Frost to be so fun, wish she was reintroduced in latest games). Deception was good and it further

I still enjoyed it for the trainwreck it was. It looked like some fan game someone decided to code himself and reuse some assets from the main games. I don’t remember much about the story though, could have been good by MK standards?

I just need the shows to be consistent. Arrow S2 was great. Then Flash was greenlit and you could see how Arrow S3 suffered a lot. I hope now that Legends is a thing, they don’t spread themselves too thin.

The only shitty flashbacks were in season 3. Seasons 1 and 2 on the island were awesome. If they can actually write a good story for the Russian part it would be great.

Why would you expect it to be done quickly? What bigger threat can you imagine than a competing AI with no morals and much more resources on its hand? Anything after Samaritan will be a step down.

So? We all know what a centipede looks like. Same rules apply:

What? He looks like the most generic CW actor to ever exist and his performance wasn’t exactly much. He doesn’t really have the ‘it’ factor for me. But hell, others that are probably talentless have succeeded, so what do I know.

Something I just posted somewhere else:

This isn’t flashy, it’s a goddamn clusterfuck. I don’t mind this in the usual moderate doses, most JRPGs have floating numbers when you hit bosses or enemies, but this is way overdoing it.

I played just a bit of 1, not nearly enough to say I know much about it. I could recognize its status as the game that started it all, but otherwise it was unremarkable. If I hadn’t played any of the other parts I would find it slightly interesting, but for me the short (about an hour) experience was just educational