
Don’t be confused - you will get your ass handed to you a lot. I am an experienced Souls gamer and I needed a few hours to get to grips with everything. Hell, I still don’t use the pistol/blunderbuss parry as much as I should. The timing on faster enemies is brutal. The rest of the mechanics you’ll get rather fast. If

Come on, the game is entirely worth 60$ for the experience and content it gives you. It’s so much more than a lot of games these days. Don’t be a stick in the mud just because there’s some clipping and you can exploit some bits of the environment. It’s hard enough as it is and such things are fair game. Circling

It’s okay if you go through the randomized dungeons with friends, but won’t you miss the majority of the fun if all you do is tag-team the unique bosses? Bossfights are like the half of the fun of the game. Tag-teaming doesn’t require much strategy. One acts as bait and defends/heals while the other one wails on the

Only one thing I don’t agree with in this article - summoning people for co-op boss fights is the greatest form of cheesing I can imagine. It makes boss fights insanely easy, same way as it did in Dark Souls. It’s pointless and you have accomplished nothing if you got help.

That’s exactly how I killed him. Screw the riposte, the timing is brutally short for fast enemies as him. I could never get it and died like 5 times attempting to shoot his face before I decided to go with this. Play the box, throw 4 molotovs in his face. Boom.

Forgive him for what? It's not like he wrote the shitty script. He did his best with what he was given.

I noticed that after I killed Gascoigne and opened the cathedral ward antidotes just randomly increased from 300 to 600 echoes. If FROM are going to be cheap that way, I may as well dupe 99 antidotes. I probably won't, but noticing the price hike earlier today pissed me off.

Do you honestly believe yourself? Get back to us when Marvel have made even one movie on the level of Star Wars or Empire. Marvel makes popcorn flicks. I think the ratio of good/mediocre/bad is about equal. You think they are worthy of such high praise?

Or buy the system and a PS+ subscription. PS+ is essential if you have a PS console - why wouldn't you drop 50 bucks per year? Hell of a deal. Enjoy 2 or sometimes 3 free games each month until whatever you really wanted comes out. I got mine in November even though I knew Bloodborne comes out 4-5 months later. Here

I guess so. I mainly turtled in both Demon's and Dark Souls on my first playthrough. This will be very weird for me the first hour or two. I think you'll be fine though.

Since this game is almost entirely set in a version of a victorian Londonesque city, it seems fitting that the game will be primarily dark. Dark Souls was like that in some sections, but not all of them. There were places which were sunny and nice if we exclude the hordes trying to kill you. There were some other

No it won't, it worked the same way with Dark Souls on the PS3.

Either stop trolling if you had your fun or if you are for real, realize that it won't get released on PC. Same as many other exclusives that are not on PC. For the record, I have a PS4 and PC so I am not biased.

Dude, I read the entire exchange you had with the rest of the folks here, and I'm not sure how you're still trying to defend Clarkson. You are obviously in the wrong and you know it. Nothing else matters.

When it comes to gameplay, not really. This game will also be played in a very cautious manner when it comes to proceeding through the levels, but it looks like the combat is very fast and there is no blocking. Turtling is not a valid option. It will be much more active, so you can give it a shot.

What's the point of watching a playthrough of this type of game? It's not a story-driven game like The Order where you can watch a 'movie' cut and be done with it. You are only spoiling the boss tactics and the level layouts, so why? You may play it yourself at some point.

What was wrong with Shadowfall? It's not a perfect shooter probably, but I remember vaguely positive reviews praising the level design, world building and story when it came out. I will wait for it to release on PS+ anyway.

It's not even about levelling if you are determined. I watched a soul level 1 playthrough once and decided to try it out. I wanted a challenge on my 3rd playthrough, so I managed to complete Dark Souls + DLC that way. It did take me 10+ attempts on certain bosses, but learning the patterns and some timely dodging

Why do you lump everyone together? I watched it later than most fans and there were at least 3 episodes that I didn't like at all. There were entire characters that didn't really grab me (River). The last episode with the philosophising bounty hunter was just as lame as he was. The one with the whores in the wild west