
Along with fellow high-school AP physics students, I proved the Earth was spherical at age 17. Later, during my undergraduate engineering curriculum, we were able to use math and observation to measure the distance to the moon and its width as well. And that was in a freshman course.

The problem is flat earth people are too dumb for their own good. You tell them this, and they think its proof the earth is flat. “See, everything is still straight, nothing is curved!” because they think a round earth would make things curve to the side... because... something?

When you don’t understand math or

I’ve seen it with my own eyes many times. Your video shows a very small field of view where you can’t easily see a curve left to right with the naked eye. If you had a measuring tool precise enough, you could detect the curve with even that limited field. If you had a wider angle, you would be able to discern the

A reductio ad absurdum logical fallacy meets Western esotericism; the idea that a few possess “secret knowledge” otherwise “rejected” by the mainstream has had its appeal as far back as the Greco-Roman times—i.e., the “mystery religions” (one of which happened to evolve into Christianity).

There are certain truths that are so well supported, for which there is such overwhelming evidence, that to deny such truths takes one into willful ignorance. That the Earth is roughly spherical is one of these (along with the evolution of life on Earth, the Apollo moon landings, and some more). At a certain point, if

Shaq’s a moron for being a flat earther and you’re twice the moron for sticking up for him.