The cars go to a used lot and are sold to paying customers.
The cars go to a used lot and are sold to paying customers.
They have wheels with different offset and spacers, so increased bearing wear should surprise exactly nobody.
Let’s get him to take out a Camry V6 and see how it does.
Were they using Autopilot?
David, we like you around here. With the cars you like, please drive UNDER the speed limit at all times. We don’t want to see you killed. Can your cars even go faster than the speed limit?
Don’t worry, some 6'2" fella will still come in here and say the only vehicle they can fit in is a full-size pickup/SUV and anything else results in their entire torso sticking out of the sunroof.
Pay for a nicer seat ya poor.
The minivan is like a Camry - they’re wonderfully functional and they’re good at their jobs, but they’re also lacking in character and life is too short to drive something without character. I don’t hate minivans any more than I hate Camrys, and I can certainly see why people would buy one, but it’s not for me. Both…
The amazing thing is how long Tesla has had superior tech. The entire industry has had a decade to figure it out and nobody is even close to matching them.
Trains would make a lot of sense if America had better trains
“Be smart about this! Don’t make us shoot you!”
at the on at dusk thing: I do not know how that is not law yet. Backup cameras are law here. But a car can still drive without lights on at night because the Honda or Toyota (it is ALWAYS one of the two) driver either has no lights on at all...or full brights.
I just leased one (Giulia). I’m three days in and it hasn’t broken yet. Fingers crossed it can’t read this.
Scary stuff when video evidence of you committing a crime can be used against you. What’s next, can anything I say be used against me, too?!
“Mistaken identity”... are you referring to the person actively fleeing the police? I don’t think it’s that hard to figure out who the suspect is.
Actually I thought the unpopular opinion would have been for the police to not do this.
Unpopular opinion incoming:
An electric Porsche won’t need an IMS bearing, amirite?
So, when we charge our electric Porsches can we say we’re Taycan a break?