Except their people (actual citizens) are wealthy. Given education, given housing, given healthcare, given jobs, etc etc etc. The Emirates actually got it right when it comes to how they treat their citizens.
Except their people (actual citizens) are wealthy. Given education, given housing, given healthcare, given jobs, etc etc etc. The Emirates actually got it right when it comes to how they treat their citizens.
There seems to be only 1 person with a brain in their skull in this video. The person with two children moving quickly across and away from the flow at about 45 seconds leaving to the right of the screen. Everyone else just standing and waiting and then the number of people who run to lower ground and straight along…
... said no one that has any sense of taste ever.
Unpopular Opinion Time: I don’t like the long tail.
As a 4c owner who actually daily drives it, and has done so for more than a year, I suggest comments like
That’s not really true.
Performing an auto-rotation landing is a compulsory part of getting a rotary-wing pilot’s license.
Without reading the article, sack this piece of shit already.
All socialists are stereotypical socialists. They believe their form of socialism will work, because they’ve got better people than the other form of socialism had.
I have, lots of people have. Hes a Socialist, he even admits it, for years. Why don’t YOU do some research and open your eyes.
The irony of making a rolling $100k billboard for a socialist. Another genius whos too smart for their own good. Far smarter than we are, and I’m sure they will tell us as much. A degree in visual arts from Columbia to wrap cars? “I graduated from Columbia $200k in debt and cant find a job. Yeah, turns out that whole…
nothing like the liberal elite.
Yeah, because everyone who has a Z06 drives at 65mph on the interstate with the cruise control on.......
Bored son in law of Kajillionaire takes one of kajillionaires wifeys $100K car after she’s bored with it and makes it art project to boast a socialist to show how “down with the struggle” he is from behind his 8ft tall privately secured walls.....a true man of the people....
Yah, I have a lot of people say that to me, but I see it differently.
But that looks so tiring...
“It’s good to stay active.”
Sure, even though Bernie only ever had one real ‘business’ venture, which isn’t really a market economy success but instead just a triumph of corruption.
People get tattoos for all sorts of reasons. Lots are lame. Some are religious, cultural, a memorial for a loved one, etc. The oldest mummies that still have intact skin — all are tattooed! It’s one of the few universal human traditions across all eras and continents... but sure, all tattooed people should die…