From your lips to their ears, dog willing
From your lips to their ears, dog willing
Good. Fuck that guy.
Rashida’s face to that red carpet reporter....ahahaha I can still see it. God that was good.
I got into a FB tussle with a chick who has a Trump visor on in her profile pic about how women should stop whining, we have it great. She probably sells some sort of pyramid scheme shit while her husband screws the nanny. Not sorry.
MAYBE because she trots out her all-female friend group when it helps her sell things or makes her look good, but doesn’t actually do anything for women otherwise? Because she’d hate to alienate her money-churning fan base by taking an actual stand on anything?
They’ve conveniently forgotten about their president telling the 2nd amendment people to ‘take care of’ Hillary, I see.
They are. Google ‘em.
We do have our own Koch Brothers. And they’re lovely people. Tom Steyer & Kat Taylor.
Mom: I saw Susan at church, and she said her daughter was marching in DC tomorrow. I told her mine was marching in San Francisco.
I’ll be in SF tomorrow! ThunderCunts, unite!
Paolo Nutini “Iron Sky”
I’m making signs and tshirts in San Francisco tomorrow night! Marching with a group of bad ass females here on Saturday.
The Future is Female
That’s where I am. Wouldn’t you rather live a life where you gave a damn, where you tried to make change? Even IF you fail, at least you fucking tried.
Ugh, I have a nexplanon implant that I really need to take out. Maybe I’m too old for it, but my periods are completely fucked now. They used to be three days, light, right on time. Now it’s unpredictable - three days one month out of nowhere, two weeks the next and then it starts again a week later.
This white women cackled with glee at your post. We DO suck.
I thought I was laughing and ooops, oh wait, I’m crying again.
That line was Wahlberg.
He was pretty great in The Departed. “Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe go fuck yourself.” is one of my still standard replies.
Is he an oil baron from the 1930s?!