
I hope she steps bare-footed on a Lego.

Make up your mind, Florida. Are we firing our loads or what?

Auntie Maxine! Obviously cut from a different cloth!...she has kicked the door open for the Dems....whats up cowards? No disrespect ever but she is 1 bad assed woman!...Period!

Auntie Maxine filed a formal complaint, I guess is the right word, stating that W’s election was fraudulent. In order for Congress to investigate the House Member needed only one signature from a Senator.

Yeah, it’s really disturbing. I wouldn’t want to hear my parents talk about me like that.

I wish that one other Democrat had one eighth of the moxie that Maxine Waters has.

It’s an odd name for a group run by people not on the spectrum. Isn’t it more “people without autism speak on behalf of autism”?

Well, if you’ve heard some of the rhetoric that certain groups put out, there are definitely people who think that autism is worse than death. This is, incidentally, why Autism Speaks is not well liked among autistic people.

What makes me incredibly angry at them is the clear implication that autism is somehow worse than Measles.

Not even the first time- she turned down a $10M offer from Clive Davis to let him swap out five songs on My December for ones he thought would sell better.

And that, my friends, is what integrity looks like in the wild.

You are a national treasure, now do one about the Bodega startup idiots, please and thank you <3

“Dude, I shkrellied so much last night that I, like, burned off a bunch of layers of skin in my throat. This morning for breakfast I drank a big glass of lemonade before I could think about it, and I almost passed out from the pain.”

Well done, internet frand :D

It’s very Meta

I can’t believe that my roommate who I met because of Jezebel is on Jezebel.

I can not believe that my cross stitch is on here.

I’m around white people a lot, like intimate familial relationships and take it from me, don’t give them an inch on anything. I get the idea that everything isn’t worth nano managing but the simple shit matters. It’s all a part of the same tapestry of white supremacy. If they are using a Black person in any form, it’s

Unseemly is white people sitting on our fat white asses and supporting police while innocent black people are routinely slaughtered by same with no fucking consequences.