
Lake Arrowhead - well, near Arrowhead, in a town called Blue Jay.

Thank you. I think it's super sweet. I'm thankful for him. This past weekend my wonderful gay neighbors were over and one got freaked out because a sunflower my daughter was playing with was laying face down on the living room floor and it suddenly moved to face upwards. Old man Jim. 

Me too! Apparently my little one sees him a lot. She talks about "the ghost" and says he's silly and he does show her all the flowers, clovers and spiderwebs and even caterpillars. She babbles to him when I think she's talking to me but she's talking to him. I wish I had known him when he was alive. I know he adopted

Thank you. It took awhile to get away from him because the army closed ranks to protect him and he never saw any kind of punishment for what he did to me. Thankfully, once I fled back to my home state, I haven’t heard from him since save for his incoherent ramblings and threats when he locates my new phone number. But

It amazes me how many people share these stories and just take these entities at face value. 

I am so glad you are safe now and out of your abusive situation. 

Aww.  <3 Jim!

Yeah welcome to NOPE FOREVER WOODS, turning around right the hell now.

The Rollaway

This is my aunts interaction with another worldy demon.

*cracks knuckles* I have a few stories to share so sit tight!

Holy fucking what?!

I’ve posted about this incident anecdotally before and a reader was a little shook so in fairness, trigger warning because of an actual child’s death.

I need more! Please please!

This is by far— by FAR— the freakiest thing that has ever happened to me.

I’m so with Tyler - “Oh hell no” indeed! YIKES.

My parents thought they were just going to have one chid-me. My mom had my brother the summer before I started fourth grade. I was *relatively* okay with this. My mom had a c-section, and her mom came to stay because my baby brother was freaking huge and my dad had to get back to work.

Made this account purely to participate because I have a recent weird experience. This story is from about two months ago. I have no clear explanation for what the hell happened and it took me three attempts to work myself up to remembering it in enough detail to write it down. Here goes.

It was late October as several friends and I sat around the kitchen table playing with my best friends Ouija board. The board had been passed down from her aunt and clearly showed the wear and tear of years passed. We lit candles, argued over who would go first and giggled like the teenagers we were as we summoned

I had a dream in April of this year, right around the anniversary of my grandmother’s death. In my dream, I’m in my house, walking from my living room to my bedroom. I’m in the hallway, walking past the bathroom, and suddenly I’m dead. I don’t know what caused my death, but now I’m a ghost floating the rest of the way