To be fair, pretty much all mothers do this. They made us and have probably been going through our things since forever and are likely never to stop. Our mothers can invade our privacy and there’s almost nothing we can do about it.
You need to rephrase your last 3 sentences.
You’re worse than the current POTUS. Soldiers don’t need their pay or benefits decreased. They need a significant INCREASE in pay and or benefits.
True fact: the grammar police gets paid more than soldiers.
And they got all butthurt when they were called deplorable people.
Russia is actually regressing more each day to what medieval Europe used to be like. They are already beginning to declare other religions to be terrorists and seizing their assets and forcing them to disband.
That means looks too EXPENSIVE to be catered by ja rule.
What are you talking about? Zuckerberg IS one of the grays!
To make sure Zuckerberg liked the food he probably brought takeout to the dinner. And yes, if he wanted to show up at my house I would have everyone live stream on Facebook how he was kicked to the curb. Then again, if he ponied up a nice stack of cash he’d be welcomed like a friend.
*Goggles dragon Lady*
Ditto. We have “Western” media information and Russian/Syrian media information.
In Russia they are. 59 tomahawks we launched, after that we have the “Western” news version of events and on the other side the Russian and Syrian version of events.
Uber uses so many spying tools to exploit information from competitors that this statement is more self incriminating than defensive.
So if an airline gives me a free flight they now think they can tell me what to wear like they’re my mother? Lol
The question is, are they being transported to another airport where they will board the planes they will be working on? Or is this a free flight to a destination of their choice as personal travel? Unless you’re on the clock and required to wear a uniform, would anybody allow their employer to dictate what “proper”…
The lady from their own promotional tweet is wearing a shirt so transparent that you can see her pink bra. These 3 girls may have been boarding for free as a benefit for working at United but they are not boarding as employees. Passengers would not know they are United employees not does United expect them to work…
The leprosy will make your mouth fall off before you take the second bite. By the next day you will become a zombie lookalike.
You should already know what Ubers problem is. They do shitty things and claim they are right. Regulatory agencies, heck even the DMV tell them to get the proper permits and they claim they are GOD and therefore exempt. Uber wants the world to conform to their wishes.
The article makes it clear that they got more than one exploitable guy/gal into the White House. I think every Trump hire needs to undergo EXTREME VETTING until we know what the hell is going on.